Entering flower stage late

My plants are all so big! Ive been pinching flowers this whole time to encourage upward growth. Ive let most of them flower staring last week. I guess i wasn't paying attention to how long the pods take to ripen though. Im concerned that they won't have enough time to mature before growing conditions change to unfavorable. Is there anything i can do to encourage quicker formation? I might have to let them finish indoors if not. Im im pnw.
if you are fertilizing, bump up the nutrients and switch to a "bloom" formula.  (limits nitrogen)
once they form not really though, just wait.
Lol I'm done pinching now. I got carried away wanting monster plants. Th3 good news is that most of the plants have 30+ flowering sites :) If they dont mature outdoors I will bring the jungle indoors.

I fed with 16-16-16 the other day. Its all I had. I'll get a flower fertilizer. What am I looking at timewise? Three months max or?
I wish I had to pinch flowers off around here -- the heat here makes most of them drop all summer - so all I can do is hope we get a few days of stormy weather at the right time so that a few pods will show up ! (though the Jalapenos, Tabascos and Shishitos are doing well this year so at least I can have the Jalapeno poppers to get me through for awhile ! )
nattymari said:
Where are you? You have until October easy unless you are in Canada somewhere. Relax.
Looks like he is in Seattle so yeah according to KOMONews.com :
If you're someone with a green thumb, you鈥檒l be interested to know when the typical first frost and last frost occurs. The first frost in Seattle occurs around Nov. 11.
So should be fine !
Thats a relief! I dont mind an indoor jungle :) The good news is that all the hardcore pinching is paying off. Most of the plants have at least 60 flowers. I counted 150 on one plant though.
Honestly the one reaper I did nothing to is now over 4ft tall and will only get bigger. Unless your plant is really tiny(1-1/2ft) I wouldn't worry about pinching buds off. Really peppers naturally don't pinch the buds off so why should I? Moving them indoors can be a pain since you have to pollinate then yourself. It can be crazy depending on how many flowers you get
sporehead said:
Thats a relief! I dont mind an indoor jungle :) The good news is that all the hardcore pinching is paying off. Most of the plants have at least 60 flowers. I counted 150 on one plant though.
150 flowers on one plant, that's awesome!  Mine are still flowering too, but I think pods are imminent.  I hit them with some Fox Farms big bloom and it seems to have helped a lot, but I don't think you have bloom problems.  Still may help the pods set and mature though.  Good luck, here's to a bumper crop!
Most of my plants are at least 3 feet tall. I pinched them so much because they had a ways to go but were flowering earlier than i would have liked. Just trying to increase flower count. With 7o plants, its going to be quite the workload when the time comes. I wish i would've had some bloom ferts instead of a full mix. Next year though. I still need to get some bags for the pods, so i can save some seeds. They're all growing next to each other.
Any size recommendations for tulle bags? Color preferences? I am going to cover pod clusters. No way am i going to sow 150 bags for a couple per plant.