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Enviromental transitions or something else

Some of my plants have been slowly expressing some symptons. A gradual lightening of color, almost a yellowing but not splotchy. and the loss of leaves. I attributed this to the cooler temps and shortening of days as older lower leaf loss is common as a the plants need for these diminishes. whiches is part of the reason I moved them indoors before a frost warning becomes imminent. now, However some younger and canopy level leaves have faded and dropped. Plant media is miricle grow potting soil and nothing else special has been added to it. its drainage properties are more than adequate and the soil is moist but not wet. Minimal use of ferts and folier only when applied. I had white flies around for about a month on and off. never anything of epidemic proportions. I read up a little on whiteflies and have seen no discernable ailments that would be caused by them. It seems to be older plants experiencing these ailments. some of my younger nonbranching plants are fine.
I can post pics but wont be able to till Sunday afternoon, hunting weekend before me and lots to do.
Pics will help but they may be running out of nutrients, especially NPK, but it may also be the cold weather, and now less sun inside.
Probably could rule out less sun inside since they have only been inside 1 day now. Temps have gotten down as low as 45 degrees. May try low impact dose of ferts and go from there.
I have only seen a few whiteflies since bringing them indoors, and the ones I did see did their best impression of the Icarus.
PepperDaddler,   Seems the only thing in common then, is you have never given ferts and mine may be deplemished.
So, it could be a nutrient deficiency then, as the plants are putting a lot toward pod production.
I have been careful with how much supplimental nuts I give to my plants as burning takes longer to recover from than malnutrition. and miracle grow already has nutrients for 3 months.
On a second thought, It may well just have to do with temps vs. super hot pepper plants.
I still have regular hot peppers planted at the same time or sooner that are still outside and have produced as much fruit as the superhots. the lone variable is super hot vs. hot.
it isn't enviromental, nutritional, temporal, seasonal or any of the previously discused. It is fungal.
pepper powdery mildew and it just exploded. treating with neem oil.
Things have taken a turn for the worse. many of my older plants have shed almost everything except the pods and newest growth. My intermediate plants are very green yet but still dispaling the under leaf infection mostly on the upper growth. A few of my seedlings are affected but just starting. I have been treating with neem oil per instructions. I am looking for confirmation this is the right treatment or other tried and true remedies.
The constant war is taking all the enjoyment of indoor growing right out of it. I am considering scorched earth policy.
I have been battling powdery mildew for some time now, approx 3 weeks. I tried a fungicide on the mildew and recently switched to baking soda in desperation. Had it in remission only to take hold of juvenile plants. I harvested pods from all mature plants and retired them as it seemed to be coming back again. Ive been using insecticidal soap on aphids and just cannot seem to get ahead of them. They are becoming an epidemic quickly. Also adding to the mix it up are some little black flies, I want to say are gnats but cannot positively ID.
Its early in November and have a rather large package of seeds on the way here. I have time to restart the crop in plenty of time for next season. This is where the cumulative knowledge of many who have fought this crap before is invaluable. where do I go from here? keep fighting or cash in the chips and start over.
What I don't want is to be here in January asking myself the same questions and having wasted 2 months of grow time.
Unless you get a quick handle on it, you risk a constant recurring infection/infestation.
Ditch the miracle grow.
Steralize the whole area and pots, trays, utensils.
Sounds like high humidity and/or over wet dirt.
If ya got's black flies hatching out of the pots, you got a bad batch of dirt----sadly, fairly common with miracle grow, or any brand---old stock or badly stored.
As for bugz???
Bonide concentrated pyretherin.
Mix to directions, take them all outside and spray under leaves, top, little crevices, inside flowers, top of dirt.
Leave no spot on any plant untouched.
May have to repeat in a week or so, should any eggs avoid the massacre.
If you can: remove plants from soil. Remove all leaves from plants. Put plants in water to keep the roots from drying, and then spray them down with fungicide. Take soil and leaves, put in a metal bucket and
:flamethrower: :evil:
:flamethrower: :fire:

If that works, you can then put new/now sterile soil and re-pot the plants. Shock might kill them, but then again so will the mildew.
HP22BH said:
it isn't enviromental, nutritional, temporal, seasonal or any of the previously discused. It is fungal.
pepper powdery mildew and it just exploded. treating with neem oil.
Whoa, now mine don't look like THAT.
I have figured out dropping temps are what is getting to mine. Totally normal.
In that case you should be fine. If they start getting brown spots "shearing" might be a good idea. By the end of today most of mine are gonna be mostly without leaves.
Sadly, I am leaning toward scorched earth. I am going to try to salvage my white habanero. (will do an immersion decontamination bath if need be) Everything else I have seeds on the way to replace my losses and then some.
Thanks all for the valuable info, I will keep the Bonide concentrated pyretherin in mind for the future but with temps outside now, the plants might take issue with the sudden change. room is 85 during day and drops to 75 or so at night.
As far as the miracle grow, I am too vested to make a change right now, any fixes? an order of lady bugs and mantises for instance?