Some of my plants have been slowly expressing some symptons. A gradual lightening of color, almost a yellowing but not splotchy. and the loss of leaves. I attributed this to the cooler temps and shortening of days as older lower leaf loss is common as a the plants need for these diminishes. whiches is part of the reason I moved them indoors before a frost warning becomes imminent. now, However some younger and canopy level leaves have faded and dropped. Plant media is miricle grow potting soil and nothing else special has been added to it. its drainage properties are more than adequate and the soil is moist but not wet. Minimal use of ferts and folier only when applied. I had white flies around for about a month on and off. never anything of epidemic proportions. I read up a little on whiteflies and have seen no discernable ailments that would be caused by them. It seems to be older plants experiencing these ailments. some of my younger nonbranching plants are fine.
I can post pics but wont be able to till Sunday afternoon, hunting weekend before me and lots to do.
I can post pics but wont be able to till Sunday afternoon, hunting weekend before me and lots to do.