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EOF's 2011 Growlog

At last! Enough of a break in the Cali monsoon season to take the babies out for a bit of sun and air. Mostly so I've got a little room to reconfigure my lighting setup. I could barely get half of them under the lights after potting up and this late in the opener, I'm not looking to double up on my light expenditure. I'll post pics of the re-do once I've got it figured out (somewhat).

Peter pepper row

Secondary peter pots and a wee stunted 7pot Douggie

The superhot plot #1 (less light lot)

Superhot plot #2 (24/7 light)

And just for fecal matter and chuckling, my demonic rosemary bush in bloom
He's getting fish emulsion and a hearty drink today. Hoping he works out like most runts I've seen in litters where it'll turn out to be the best of the lot with some care and attention. :dance:
Sit it next to the Rosemary, maybe it will get "lil man" syndrome and start putting the pounds on. That's if the Rosemary doesn't try to eat it first...... :rofl:
Ok, lighting setup redneckery finished. The old cat playplace I stole the frame from still has a few extra parts and since I was lacking space and clearance on the fridge, I did a cleaning run on the kitchen table and slapped a few extra poles into it. It's still not perfect for clamp-light use since the poles spin even if you build them up with duct tape. But free is worth a bit of skull sweat to work around. And so...voila!

Right side

Left side

Notice the strategic placement of garbage to attempt to keep the cats off 'em. :lol:
It's a freaking monster. Started off in a 1 gal pot. Had a 3x3 open spot in the back yard that a nectarine had died in, so figured we'd toss in it. A month later it explodeded and has been pretty much holding that gargantuan shape. The more I hack from it, the quicker it grows the tendrils back. I'm honestly considering chopping the lower limbs and seeing if I can train it into a rosemary tree.
Hooray for sunshine!! And for the bizarre neighborhood dove whose cry sounds something like "GWAK"

I heard that things were going to be over 50 for the week so figured it was the perfect time to break out the overwintered peters and hab plant for some nutes and fresh air



The chives are so happy they're exploding and the wee one is putting out blooms


and of course the babies got a good feed and are out to sunbathe. Although I'm still trying to figure out how I should schedule my hardening off process.



Hope y'all are getting some pleasant weather coming your way for plant-out (or harvest for y'all Southern Hemisphere types :cool: )
Embarassingly, my babies have been wallowing in beer cups for far too long. But at last after a $75 trip to the grow store, the Great Central Fresno Pot Up is about to go down! And the shop owners rule so hard, they give you a gallon bag of their compost tea for free!! I think I'm in love.

Pics of shame and pride to follow...
I like this time of the season, just on the verge of kicking into high gear, everything looks good. Anticipation and excitement. I have to go through winter before I get there myself.
So I started at 5pm, I think I finished by 11 and finally had time to cook dinner. I grabbed 20 pots and 2 2 cubic foot bags of Happy Frog and then had to line up all the kids to decide which ones got out of the pepper orphanage. It's a hard luck life 'n all that. I had initially repotted one of each variety with my pre-existing pottery and a mix of new and recycled soil boosted with some aged compost. This time I've got to weed through the remaining 1st round plants and get ready for the 2nd round fatalis and Carribeans. So I potted up all 4 remaining Butch Ts, 2 7 pot douglahs, 1 7 pot jonah, 1 nagabon, 2 aji lemons, 1 bonda ma jaques, 1 dorset naga, 1 bhut jalokia and 1 bih jalokia.

And here goes the midnight photography


Trini and 7 pot

The whole mess

Most of the mess

Less of the mess

The orphanage
I like this time of the season, just on the verge of kicking into high gear, everything looks good. Anticipation and excitement. I have to go through winter before I get there myself.

Heh, I've been frantic since I found out how rootbound all of the cups were. I'm finally at a point where I'm comfortably looking at giving the stragglers away. Guess what Mom is getting today? A couple dorset nagas and an aji lemon! That way I'll have something to cook with whenever I'm over. :rofl:
A little un-drunk photography this time. Right after a brief mid-afternoon thunder shower.

Soaking up some late rays

A couple peters and my stunted 7pot

The hunky peters


The rest of the gang

And also, I finished my second round germination efforts. Again, total failure with my Choc Habs, Red Savinas and 2/3's of my Fatali efforts. BIG thanks to Muskymojo for the Fatali and Red Carrib seeds! 8 out of nine cells germinated for each variety, so my Fatali season is looking bright indeed. I dunno what the problem with the others was. But I'm giddy at the prospect of having my own fresh Fatalis this year.

Here's the babies in their beer cups

And a last round of peters to peenify Fresno

Whee! I'm giddy as a schoolgirl!
Been a while since the last update. Wasn't a heckuvalot to show except a bit of veg growth and a bit of blossom drop. But now that Cali has gone from warm to frying pan (blowtorch comes in July-August), a few varieties have been setting pods. Mostly the peters, aji lemons and bonda ma jaques, as well as 1 lone nagabon pod. A few of the plants will be going with me to the Fresno Chile Festival to represent for the superhot lovers.

Enough yammering, on with the pepper pics! First the peters.




