Epic Hot Pepper Harvest Mistake!

 I am sure I am not the only one that has done this or I am hoping at least.  I was harvesting Ghost and Carolina Reapers from my plants. Ah such a beautiful thing, those bright red gifts from the pepper God's.  As I was washing them and dicing two for my morning salsa the phone rings. Mistake number 1: Answering the phone. I finished my call and got busy with other things. Mistake number 2: I forgot to wash my hands. Mistake number 3: Nature called so off I go to the restroom. A few minutes passed and then hell opened its doors. The heat, pain began in a unspeakable place. I ignored it as long as possible till I gave in to resorting to a cold washcloth, not much relief. Finally a nice shower with a LOT of soap.
The moral of this story is: Wash your hands!


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Boardwalkempireactor said:
 I am sure I am not the only one that has done this or I am hoping at least.  I was harvesting Ghost and Carolina Reapers from my plants. Ah such a beautiful thing, those bright red gifts from the pepper God's.  As I was washing them and dicing two for my morning salsa the phone rings. Mistake number 1: Answering the phone. I finished my call and got busy with other things. Mistake number 2: I forgot to wash my hands. Mistake number 3: Nature called so off I go to the restroom. A few minutes passed and then hell opened its doors. The heat, pain began in a unspeakable place. I ignored it as long as possible till I gave in to resorting to a cold washcloth, not much relief. Finally a nice shower with a LOT of soap.
The moral of this story is: Wash your hands!
bob65 said:
You are not the first and won't be the last.
It's called hunan hands Welcome to the club!
I wear gloves and then wash my hands 3 times or more (upto my elbows) after im done. Got to use warm soapy water and a wash cloth. Finish up with hand sanitizer like GermX. I had 1 damn drop of something hit me almost at my elbow after cutting up some supers. It burned for 3 days and left a spot that lasted over a week. Like a chemical burn or age spot. Nothing makes it much better after the oil soaks into your skin.
Simple rule, if its hotter than a jalapeno wear gloves and wash up thoroughly.
Happens to me more often than I care to tell. I also tried Latex gloves - those did not work for sure. A buddy of mine recently said that he had the impression it also permeated his Nitril gloves. After cutting up some super hots all afternoon. Could that be?
I do think about it when going to the bathroom. However I keep forgetting and touch my eyes after hours and washing my hands several times in between and it still burns. I got used to it somewhat.
HatchChileFestival said:
Happens to me more often than I care to tell. I also tried Latex gloves - those did not work for sure. A buddy of mine recently said that he had the impression it also permeated his Nitril gloves. After cutting up some super hots all afternoon. Could that be?
I do think about it when going to the bathroom. However I keep forgetting and touch my eyes after hours and washing my hands several times in between and it still burns. I got used to it somewh
From my personal experience, superhots will melt latex over time.  I use the purple nitrile ones and change every 10-20 mins when dealing with a lot of them.
I've realized that I should've washed my hand the night before. I've realized this the next morning while making an attempt to rub one out.
And it burned burned burned....my freakin' weiner....my freakin' weiner...
Whoa, Ruid... Lol

One time I was breaking apart a bunch of seeds after my first season of pepper growing. I only had one pair of blue nitrile gloves left, and I had to do something, so I thought I would just blow into the glove, to get the fingers right side out.

When I blew in it the thumb inflated and curved right back up into my eyeball, it felt like my eyelid closed down around the tip of the glove and pulled a chunk of pepper in there. That may have just been some weird feeling of the capsaicin first hitting my eyeball. But yeah, I made some wookie/sasquatch type noises, and ran in to have my wife look to see if there was a chunk of pepper in there. I was only able to pry my eye open for a millisecond, so she obviously didnt see anything. So I just made more grunting sounds and 4 letter words for about 15 minutes. It sucked, dont try to re-use gloves.

Oh and I have had hunan testes on more than one occasion.
Yep.  It happens. I had a "transfer incident" with my bride one time :shh: .  Anyway, I wear contacts ..... worst case ever ..... I was de-seeding some Carboneros without gloves .... no problem.  About an hour later I was dicing some onions in the kitchen and wiped my eyes with my fingers.  Holy F'ing Shite!!!!!!  I got the oil on my contacts and every time I tried to yank them out I transferred more oil on to them.  I poured milk on to my eyes and couldn't get my contacts out.  I had to put on gloves and finally got them out.  Never again!  Always glove up!
Ruid said:
I've realized that I should've washed my hand the night before. I've realized this the next morning while making an attempt to rub one out.
And it burned burned burned....my freakin' weiner....my freakin' weiner...
Dude.  It happens.