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Epsom salt?

I've heard throwing a tablespoon of epsom salt in the bottom of the hole when planting pepper plants can be Benificial. Anybody have any experience or knowledge on this?
I imagine the results, or effectiveness would depend on what your soil is made of.

I have used Epsom salts as a foliar spray for greener leaves this year, but haven't really noticed any drastic results.

It could be that my solution is too weak, or all the rain has washed it away, but like I said, not drastic differences.
I'd be interested to hear others on this.
Epsom salts are a personal go-to for growing tomatoes each year.  Epsom salts are just magnesium sulfate so if your soil is already Mg enriched then you don't necessarily need to add any more.
i spread it out around plants and water it in, it works wonders for pokey growers and sick plants but also works wonders for leaf growth
i haven't used it yet this year but i intend to
i do it about twice a season
thanks your friend Joe
Redrum801 said:
I have cal-mag plus which is pretty much the same I'm guessing , how often do you guys spray ??
I am guessing that you are using Botanicare as you stated "plus" The only thing it has in common with epsom salts is magnesium.
I have heard foliar spray , then sprinkle on ground, put in hole, mix 2 tbls. per gal water and pour at base. Is there a BEST way or just try any of the above?? 
When I use synthetic ferts I do 1/8th of a teaspoon per gallon every watering. Foliar spray and soil drench this mix.
I saw a noticeable difference after 1 application this year. Could it have been a coincidence? I guess so, but I've done it every year now for 3 years and it seems to work great for me. I just dilute the recommended amount in a gallon of water before watering. I will apply every 2-3 weeks give or take.
It's not just the magnesium, peppers love sulfur too apparently. An old pepper farmers trick was to put match heads in the holes before transplanting.
Wow. Thanks for all the quick replies. I've used it on tomatoes with good results, wasn't sure with peppers.
I planted some jalapeño, Hab, and cayennes this morning. Put abt. A tsp in each hole. I' update in a few days. Thx again.
Epsom salts as stated above actually has a higher sulphur content then magnesium content but I think if you have a balanced soil with plenty of organic amendments and good pH the necessity for the regular use of it can be overstated in my opinion. Put it this way its not going to address the fundamental issues many people use it to cure
If using epson salt as a foliar spray how often do you spray your plants ?? Every other week ?? If every other week do you do it every day that week ?? I have a 1 liter spray bottle would 1 teaspoon or 1 tablespoon do the trick ? Should I discontinue the cal-mag plus while using epson salt ?? Thanks in advance for your replys , Carlos