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European Commission to criminalize nearly all seeds and plants not registered with government

found this:


Signatures against this whole seed jazz.

, Vegas
I read the official paper that has been published now and there will be no harm on small seed producers:


The paper says that seed producers with less than 10 employees and an annual turnover of less than 2000.000€ do not need to register there seeds.
They will have to carry records on the amounts sold and there will be a regulation how the seeds packages must be labeled.

It will take months if not years if this will become a law and modifications may be made, but it seems as if the new regulation is less strict as the former.

Understood. The US and Canadian courts have been battling the cross pollination issue for years. Our courts have decided that the law cannot be appiled to open air pollination.
Any of you in Europe please correct me if I'm wrong, but my understanding is that many countries in the EU (including France) are opposed to Monsanto's GMO seeds. I know for a fact that Russia has banned GMO seeds from the Russian Federation. The idea of registering and regulating commercial seeds MIGHT NOT BE A BAD IDEA! With predatory corporations like Monsanto doing their best to trademark and control the majority of the World's seed stock, and their attempts to sneak such seed into other countries (I can see Monsanto bribing EU farmers to substitute GMO seeds), I'm not surprised that European Governments (including the EU) are looking to protect their agriculture against Monsanto.

If you want to see how Monsanto destroys lives, just Google Monsanto, India and farmer suicides.

a strict regulation would be advantageous only for big seeds companies.

Registration of a new variety is a very costly and a time consuming process and only if you sell tons of seeds it´s worth to go into the process.
A simple registration costs around 2500€ + annual fee of around 350€

Small producers like me would be ruined if it came to a seed registration for every variety we sell.

The big players are not interested to sell a broad variety of open pollinated seeds. They produce a few F1 and GMO´s and try to adopt their contract farmers to whatever they offer. And if you are in contract you normally are not able to produce other varieties, because, if any genetic material of their products can be found (through crossing) in your other plants you will be made liable and must pay for it!

So the result would be that 99% of all old varieties of all kind of vegetables would be wiped off.


I guess I wasn't clear in my post. I am not in favor of making gardeners and small-time seed vendors having to register their seeds. In fact, I am in favor of allowing individuals and seed vendors being able to carry and produce a wide variety of Heirloom seeds, rare seeds, and any new hybrids that they make produce. I am in favor of diversity in our Earth's seed supply.

What I am really against are the GMO seeds, especially those created by Monsanto. More and more information is coming out about the harmful effects of GMO crops despite Monsanto's (and the U.S. Government's) attempts to suppress such information. Monsanto is NOT attempting to make better seeds and crops for humanity. They are attempting to control the World's seed supply by patenting any GMO seed they produce. I personally find it horrific that any civilized nation would allow some predatory corporation to patent life itself! But as most of us know, the U.S. Government is really controlled by Corporate America.

We may have different ideas about how to protect Earth's seed supply. But you and I can agree that we don't want to see less seed diversity, and we don't want individuals and small vendors from having the freedom to produce the seeds and crops that they desire.
its too bad the preponderance of said evidence it not rooted in real science.

Against this background of political resistance, it is no surprise that the risks, costs and potential disadvantages of not growing GM crops have received little or no attention. These disadvantages become increasingly relevant as the scientific arguments for the prevailing resistance to GM crops become weaker. Twenty-five years of risk research on GM crops have established beyond reasonable doubt that biotechnology is not per se riskier than conventional plant breeding technologies [2]. The whole seemingly endless discussion about purported risks of GM crops is akin to the famous Monty Python sketch in which John Cleese is trying to return a dead parrot to shopkeeper Michael Palin, who, despite the evidence, insists that the bird is well, alive and “pining for the fjords”. Instead, we need to highlight the opportunities missed by not accepting GM crops. These include lost revenues for farmers, breeding companies and consumers, brain drain and lost technology innovations, reduced agricultural productivity and sustainability, foregone health benefits, especially reducing malnutrition, and many more realized or expected virtues of GM crops [3].
Stop worrying; start growing

Risk research on GM crops is a dead parrot: it is time to start reaping the benefits of GM

Torbjörn Fagerström, Christina Dixelius, Ulf Magnusson and Jens F Sundström are at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences in Uppsala, Sweden. E-mails: torbjorn.fagerstrom@slu.se; jens.sundstrom@slu.se

just a tear drop amongst an ocean of good evidence supporting the efficacy of this terrible demon spawn technology. im sure if anyone cared to cast an objective glance at any of it this would be made clear.
Even after reading all these posts my opinion still remains the same, THE EU still SUCKS!!!!! Progressive Politically Correct Pricks who just want CONTROL!!!!!!

there's literally hundreds of articles written about the failed policies of the EU. here's one, http://www.publicser...ders-any-longer

OOps this was about seeds not immigration, SOZ