MarcV said:
I could also send seeds to you before the seed train starts rolling. You put the seeds in the train and anyone who's interested can then pick some out
Is there a list available of what's currently in the envelope?
Too late for me, I will send parcel out next week, because I will be on holiday (9/20 - 10/02), so whoever wants them, send seeds there and he will add them for later. Or Join.
1) LuckyLuke (Czech republic) - we roll next week
2) sonka (Hungary)
3) balages74 (Hungary)
4) Baekseju (France)
5) b3rnd (the Netherlands)
6) snagglepuss (UK)
7) spicefreak (UK)
8) Mitzi (UK)
9) scotsbonnet (Scotland)
10) orrevs (Sweden)
11) vike22 (Sweden)
12) Tango (Poland)
) back to LuckyLuke
All newcomers please read the rules:
Once you're on the rider list all you will need to do is PM your name and address to the rider before you so that they will know where to send the train when it's your turn.
1) Package to be sent
in padded/bubble envelope to protect the seeds.
Registred mail + Tracking number is optional. Most of the people sent it regular in the past so I changed it.
2) Put the seeds into small baggies with zip lock. Mark them with variety, (year) and your THP nick.
3) Don't be greedy, take 5 seeds max from 1 variety. Best way is to give more than you take

4) Do not add any heavy seeds. This would increase the postage. Pepper, tomatoe and light weight veggie seeds are Okay.
5) Try ship to next passanger ASAP. 3 days should be enough. If you know you won't be at home. Let us know and we will re-route the train.
6) Do not ship package during Xmas holidays. It gets stuck on the post office. We will wait and ship once madness is over.
7) People from Europe only.
8) Passenger list is not final, we can add more passengers along the way or re-route as needed. Once we start, please keep an eye on this topic.
9) Use "common sense" & have fun !
old list, this could changed already