Ever wish this was you?

Wowser! Didn't realise Neil had such a large operation going on there! Such a laid back guy. Would be nice to be in his shoes. Wouldn't be so nice to work your way to where he is now.

One day I'll make a trip up to take a look for myself. Love his reviews and brilliant service.

PS. anti gun laws here are focused on semi autos and handguns. Neither of which make for an enjoyable hunt so I prefer it. Bolt action and under/over's do the job. In saying that we don't have anywhere near as many large animals over here that would want to kill us.
Burnzy said:
Wowser! Didn't realise Neil had such a large operation going on there! Such a laid back guy. Would be nice to be in his shoes. Wouldn't be so nice to work your way to where he is now.

One day I'll make a trip up to take a look for myself. Love his reviews and brilliant service.

PS. anti gun laws here are focused on semi autos and handguns. Neither of which make for an enjoyable hunt so I prefer it. Bolt action and under/over's do the job. In saying that we don't have anywhere near as many large animals over here that would want to kill us.
Yeah I was talking more about the little critters that kill you there lol. A garter snake gets in my house oh well. The brown recluse is the worst thing I have to worry about. Now if it's a brown snake that gets in...f that. You Aussies have like 3-4/10 top deadliest snakes?
Ozzy2001 said:
Yeah I was talking more about the little critters that kill you there lol. A garter snake gets in my house oh well. The brown recluse is the worst thing I have to worry about. Now if it's a brown snake that gets in...f that. You Aussies have like 3-4/10 top deadliest snakes?
True but I'll pick a brown snake over a recluse any day. To start it's hard to miss a snake (unless it's a small one in your shoe) and snakes can't really see so most often if they strike they miss. Besides I hunt and I rarely come across one. I once lived in a place that has a massive tiger snake population (most agressive). During summer you'd see at least one weekly. A quick tap on the head with a shovel or even a stick is all they need. Good eating too!