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EverGreen 7POD

Ever green 7pod :
This variety was sent to me as Trinidad 7pod , In previous post Here of the 4coloer 7 pod I mentioned that I have one plant at the 7pod family that is till green every since the pods developed on it , so I was giving it more time to see if the color will change after all the plant in my garden set fully rip pods for more than one patch this 7 pod still green so I was wondering why. I get closer look where I picked some and cut them guess what they are rip and they have been rip how long I didn’t know till I squished them found out they softer, not only that some of them started to turn bad and rotting on the plant so I said yes its time for harvest, when I cut the pods I found out that the seeds are fully developed and reedy to bee taken out … so I wonder if I can call this EvereGreen 7POD. At least that’s how I will label the seeds when I store them, now for research and creditability reasons , I will not be able to sell trade or share seeds of this one until next generation if the next generation will come up same . I will have it registered as EverGreen 7POD….

And now lets start fighting and arguing and hitting each other … over this variety’s name . what every one thinks about this coming up EverGreen 7POD.
Who is with and who is not and why … ALL comments are welcome. Just keep it professional objective and not personal…. of course I have no enemies but you guys might lol

Plant characteristics:
- has same growing habit as the traditional 7 pod , not as much producer as the yellow 7pod .the EverGreen one has about 40 pods which is average producer for 7 pod variety
Pod characteristics : -shape same as the traditional red 7pod
-size MUCH bigger
-skin thinner more crunchy when unripe soft when ripe
-heat level extremely hot with visible capsicum oil inside
-day for maturity un known yet this is first year no recorded data yet
-taste like traditional almost ripe red 7pod
-best way to use green super hot sauce

some pics will tell you the story



capiscum oil


over ripe pods started to rot .


Really interesting! Why not share the seeds though? More people growing more plants to find out for sure if they grow true...
Really interesting! Why not share the seeds though? More people growing more plants to find out for sure if they grow true...
i have to make sure its true variety first and i will have it registered so no commercial companies miss use it or rename it so next season we will find out if it will be ready to be used by every one or not. i wil have 20 plant next year and i will watch the growing habits and the out comes
Very cool Judy! It looks much like some other 'evergreen' pods I've seen pics of. :) It'll take more than 2 generations to stablize anything, but it's possible. Those seeds sure look ripe to me. :) You can sell those seeds for $5 a piece. lol. I've got something pretty odd in my garden too. I'm not posting until I see how it
materializes. I'll give it another month to see what happens.

Very cool Judy! It looks much like some other 'evergreen' pods I've seen pics of. :) It'll take more than 2 generations to stablize anything, but it's possible. Those seeds sure look ripe to me. :) You can sell those seeds for $5 a piece. lol. I've got something pretty odd in my garden too. I'm not posting until I see how it
materializes. I'll give it another month to see what happens.

lol your one cruzy man chris you always have odd things . pos pics when they are ready dont make us wait .
i don't know about your PVP aspirations Judy, but do consider that if you plan on registering stuff, registration is known to backfire. A good example is the Red Savina. Pretty sure that the fact that that variety was plant variety protected resulted in less home gardeners growing it because authentic seed became (and is still) hard to come by. So you see Red Habs, and Caribbean Reds, but relatively few Red Savinas...

There a couple of interesting Habanero types around too that were PVP'd, and after their grower went out of business, the seed became extremely hard to track.. They're mentioned over here once in a while.
crazy looking peppers! gigantic! have you tasted them? in 2002 i was growing red savina and chocolate habs in fairly close proximity and one of the plants looked like a normal chinense but the peppers were long and looked like melted wax(stretched out) it was obviously a hab but it stayed the same color as those 7pod you've got there. i left some on the plant for very long and eventually they got a red streak. they were mushy by then so i tried one of the green ones thinking i might have put one of my gypsy peppers over there by mistake. this was no gypsy pepper. it was naga hot! way hotter than savina or chocolate hab. i gave them all to a pizza place up the street thats been making danger wing sauce out of my peppers. to this day i am mad at myslef for not saving the seeds. seeing your situation reminds me of those crazy green habs. i'm sure it's the same genetic mixup. i can't explain it but i wish i save those seeds.i hope to findout what your seeds produce next year.
i have to make sure its true variety first and i will have it registered so no commercial companies miss use it or rename it so next season we will find out if it will be ready to be used by every one or not. i wil have 20 plant next year and i will watch the growing habits and the out comes

Are you going to copyright the name or try for a PVP. I don't think its easy (and probably not cheap) to get PVP status, especially if you don't know both the parent plants, or know if its a cross or mutant. Copyrights are quite simple but are only for the name