Everything was going fine until.

:pray: This is my first grow does anyone have some advice? About half of all my plants have started to get wrinkled,hooked and deformed leaves. 
The first batch is three days into hardening off. The second batch is two weeks into hardening off, all plants are affected equally. 
I started using fish emulsion 5-1-1 about two weeks ago at every other watering 1 tbs to 1 gal.
After searching this fine website and others it seems like epsom salt keeps coming up, so sprayed the leaves with a 1 tbs to 1 gal water solution its been one day I hope it works. The white chalky stuff is dried epsom salt. Please put your two cents' worth.
The affected plants  https://imgur.com/a/lQSr5
My grow progress pics  https://imgur.com/a/jmMXB
 Might just be a little calcium deficiency . Hit em with some cal/mag just in case . But I agree they don't look bad at all . 
I don't think they look that bad at all. Mine have some of this going on after plant out. I haven't done anything to them except for an aact and after about 2 - 3 weeks some new growth has appeared with normal leaves. I would cut back on the nutes for a few weeks and see how they look. 
It could be a calcium issue but if all that has changed in their environment is being outside it may just be some sort of shock symptoms.
My .02
Good luck!
To me it looks like there's a little pest damage and that it's time to put them in larger pots.  If you have no plans to put them in larger pots, do not give them any more fertilizer as they will become overgrown and starving for more later.  Larger pots with good soil are far more important than all the fish emulsion, epsom salts, and other things you might try to do.
If you can, spread them out and away from the wall corner so they get more air and sun.  That will also reduce the insect population a bit.
Dave2000 said:
To me it looks like there's a little pest damage and that it's time to put them in larger pots.  If you have no plans to put them in larger pots, do not give them any more fertilizer as they will become overgrown and starving for more later.  Larger pots with good soil are far more important than all the fish emulsion, epsom salts, and other things you might try to do.
If you can, spread them out and away from the wall corner so they get more air and sun.  That will also reduce the insect population a bit.
I am going to repot the best ones in a couple of weeks.
They are up against the wall because that's where the shade is. It's 100+ all this week in Southern California. Good for the beach not the peppers
Thanks guys. After some of you guys calmed my worries, I continued to daydream of me running (in slow motion) up to my mature superhots picking up a 5 gallon bucket with a mature 7-pot pant and spinning it around like a lost love.
After I snapped out of it I went to my local dollar store and got me a magnifying glass, it turns out I got the...the THRIPS! It must of been a dirty toilet seat.
Oh yeah, I also have mites and some other stuff. Don't get a magnifying glass if you don't want to start thripping out!
I didn't find that many about 4-5 on about 1/2 my plants I'm surprised so few can do so much damage. 
What do I need to buy to get rid of these effers. 
hot1987 said:
What did you treat them with?
To be honest, if it's aphids or thrips, the problem mostly resolves itself once it's warm enough for me to be able to put the plants outside for the spring. Mites seem to be a little more resilient outside. I've heard azamax works.
one drop of dish soap with a quart of water in a spray bottle will take care of those pesky aphids. You may have to spray a few times though...
could be over fertilizing - do you any aphids or bugs on the backside of the leaves ? I would straight water until cleared up