Evolution of the grow

I am not an evolutionist and that is not where this is going.
I am finally faced with the fact I have to start making some $$$ from this hobby. In the few short years I have been growing into this fiery arena it has become evident every year that it will cost me out of pocket even more than last year, and this is after learning how to cut expenses. I do not have any current intentions of internet sale, but I also am not going to rule them out. I think I may be able to sell locally only and make the grade. 
I am thinking fresh pods, dehydrated vac sealed pods,  powders and plants as starters. No, I didn't forget seeds. But that would raise concerns and be a possible conflict of interest while conducting a seed train. But things may change, we'll have to see.
In past years I have given lbs upon lbs of peppers away. I have stirred the interest of many and it is time to get them addicted. And make them a little lighter in the process.
I dont have a legal trade scale to sell by weight, so what I was considering was using something comparable to a SFRB to sell by volume. (notice I did not say I would use an actual SFRB to measure pods with) that would be in violation of the legal use per the USPS.
The SFRB seems to be a standard measure by which internet sales are conducted. Anyone have any idea what it cost to get a scale certified for trade in IL?
Seeds are ridiculous! $30 here, $70 there. Then the wife comes up behind you and licks your ear, then they all go flying! What a waste! :scared:
Myxlplyk said:
Seeds are ridiculous! $30 here, $70 there. Then the wife comes up behind you and licks your ear, then they all go flying! What a waste! :scared:
Sounds like someone is going to have mystery peppers until they grow out ;)
Best bet is to visit a restaurant supply shop for prices.  Many guarantee they will meet local requirements.  But why bother?  Just sell by volume.
ajdrew said:
Best bet is to visit a restaurant supply shop for prices.  Many guarantee they will meet local requirements.  But why bother?  Just sell by volume.
Yeah but I need to know if my nickle bag is really a nickle bag.
American Weigh Scale, accurate too +/- 1 gram

This is my fish scale. Have some too weigh nickel bags, ice, blow whatever your flavor is
I'll be following this. I have been looking for a ways I can recover expenses too. It does get costly, and like you I give a lot a way. I'm going to try selling some sfrb through thp. I think powders require some kind of 'selling food out of your home' kind a permit depending on where you live. I also considered a farmers/tailgait market, but I don't know if there's a lot of interest from locals in supers, maybe habs I don't know. Selling there would carry it's own costs too. I am planning to save as much good isolated seed as I can this year, and maybe sell some early fall (and give to seed trains :)).
CAPCOM said:
sure, they just cost $40.00 though.
How in the hell is that a nickle bag?  I'd see how a quarter is still a quarter cause it still weighs a quarter of an OZ.  Is a nickle bag now five grams or something?
ajdrew said:
How in the hell is that a nickle bag?  I'd see how a quarter is still a quarter cause it still weighs a quarter of an OZ.  Is a nickle bag now five grams or something?
Well, unless you are Cheech, a joint is still a joint, but it dont cost you a buck anymore.
Capcom,a buck a joint.  Oh damn someone else who remembers being  a teenager.  I flat don't like marijuana because it makes me want to eat.  Nothing against it, think it should be legal but even if it were, not my thing.  So havent paid attention to the prices since about 1983 when I left for the Army and it became a major no no.  Not long ago, said something in a conversation with a friend about dollar joints and they about had a heart attack.  Where are you shopping?
Anyway, seems the big thing here is salt water taffy at $5.00 a candy.  Takes two to do anything.  So ten bucks a buzz.  So I asked, what does it taste like.  Ass, pure ass.  So you pay ten bucks and it tastes like ass.  Why?  No answer.  Its a whole new world.  Nobody smokes a joint.  They all want to eat it or smoke it out of something that looks like the star ship enterprise.  I am soooo frigging old.
ajdrew said:
Capcom,a buck a joint.  Oh damn someone else who remembers being  a teenager.  I flat don't like marijuana because it makes me want to eat.  Nothing against it, think it should be legal but even if it were, not my thing.  So havent paid attention to the prices since about 1983 when I left for the Army and it became a major no no.  Not long ago, said something in a conversation with a friend about dollar joints and they about had a heart attack.  Where are you shopping?
Anyway, seems the big thing here is salt water taffy at $5.00 a candy.  Takes two to do anything.  So ten bucks a buzz.  So I asked, what does it taste like.  Ass, pure ass.  So you pay ten bucks and it tastes like ass.  Why?  No answer.  Its a whole new world.  Nobody smokes a joint.  They all want to eat it or smoke it out of something that looks like the star ship enterprise.  I am soooo frigging old.
well here is something that may really bake your noodle then. I bet anything I can produce a pack of jokers that are 40 years old.
CAPCOM said:
well here is something that may really bake your noodle then. I bet anything I can produce a pack of jokers that are 40 years old.
It is sincerely an up moment when I realize someone I have been talking with might be part of my generation.  No offense intended to young folk.  Its just cool to think someone might actually get my lame ass jokes.  BTW: Last time I thought to take a hit, I didn't cause I gave up on the Star Ship Enterprise someone handed me and went back to my bier.  Seriously, the thing had like two carburetors, LEDS, and it was made from some type of glass or plastic that continued to glow after the LEDs turned off.

Today, people look at me and figure I can hook them up.  When I buy gardening supplies off season at Lowes I tend to get the wink wink nod nod.  At the hydro shop, I say peppers and always get folk to say peppers with that special emphasis in their voice cause most people say tomato.  Then if the topic of weed comes up, I say a thing and they figure I am a police officer.  Hell, it was just last year that I even learned the term LEO.  I live in that movie where the kid was raised in a bomb shelter.  That or Crocodile Dundee when he first comes to the states.
Chewi said:
chuck a bunch of SFRB up for sale on here. I bet every one you put up sells the same day.
Thinking this time of the year Chewi is dead on.  But consider Ebay for the first few boxes of the year.  Let consumers tell you what to charge.  You might be very pleasantly surprised.  Some of my best patrons came from Ebay.  The trick to building patrons there is to start with your name: 'We are Peppers by Mail'.  Most people will then google the name, find your web site, and you will avoid the extra fees from Ebay.  When you do get orders from Ebay folk, include literature about your grow and what you hope to achieve.  You will click with like minds and find not just repeat customers, but friends.