seeds-germination Extra Seeds, Who wants some?

Hey everyone. Just a quick update. I have 8 packs in the mail. After that I have 2 left with everything and after that I will have just the habs and Portugal hots. Possibly a couple scorpions I am not sure yet. I have received everyones PM and messages here. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE INTEREST. And everyone who has responded to this point, I will be sure to get something to you.
Blitz527 said:
Hey everyone. Just a quick update. I have 8 packs in the mail. After that I have 2 left with everything and after that I will have just the habs and Portugal hots. Possibly a couple scorpions I am not sure yet. I have received everyones PM and messages here. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE INTEREST. And everyone who has responded to this point, I will be sure to get something to you.
You're awesome Blitz! I'm sure your generosity will come back to you 10 fold.

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Blitz527 said:
Hey everyone. Just a quick update. I have 8 packs in the mail. After that I have 2 left with everything and after that I will have just the habs and Portugal hots. Possibly a couple scorpions I am not sure yet. I have received everyones PM and messages here. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE INTEREST. And everyone who has responded to this point, I will be sure to get something to you.
Thankyou! I shall eagerly await the arrival of your generous goods :)
I don't know if you still have any left, but I'd love some habs or scorpions... I bought some scorpions from a reputable site (Pepperjoes) and the package came wet from the rain and despite doing the pre-germ properly, I only got 1 or 2 to germinate. :(
Even if you don't have any... thank you for offering. A very nice gesture.
Well folks, I finished bagging and sealing up envelopes today. Unfortunately, i only had enough to cover what I had in my messages and Pm box. So Chefisraelloyo, I couldnt get around to you this time but as soon as I harvest and start seeding, Please remind me and I will get you some good ones after they are dry and ready. this will probably be around late October, early November. If I am able to do so, I will get some out to you sooner. Dr.Scandelous, You were the last on my list. so your package along with 5 others are being sent out tomorrow.
I want to thank everyone for their interest and please, enjoy everything that this may bring and happy growing :)
Keep it HOT :onfire:
p.s. I will probably do this again early next year.
Happy day, just received the package today(six varietes) and can't wait to seedling the seeds ... then germinating ... then grow big ... then harvest the peppers ... then spiciness  hehehehe
Thank You so much Blitz527
ps: sorry if my english bad
Scorpion??? Anything left?
Blitz527 said:
Well, I am finding myself with a few extra seeds. I would be happy to send some your way if you want some. Ill do this for the first 10 people who are interested, and If i have more after that, Ill keep it going. Ill put a little variety pack together got you, All labeled.
Again, I am giving these to you, I am not asking for anything in return. Enjoy, Have fun and Happy Growing.
Varieties I have are:
Carolina Reaper
Trinidad Moruga Scorpion
Thai Birds Eye Chili
Portugal Hot Pepper
I harvested all of the seeds from the peppers I grew or purchased from a local grower last season. they are not commercial seeds or from wal-mart. These are the same seeds I am growing this year and I am happy with my growth and germination.
Let me know who wants some.  :woohoo:
Blitz, got the seeds about a week ago. We just got a new USPS carrier and have had tons of misdelivered mail. I think thats why they may have been late. I'm out of town right now, so no pics unfortunately, but they are in some potting mix under my lights.

Manys thanks once again.
Hey Blitz, 
I thought I'd give you an update on the two peppers that I planted from your seeds. So far on one pepper has produced.
I failed to record the exact date I planted but I do have the Portugal Hot Pepper sprouting on 4/20/17... Only one pepper has resulted. It's now beginning to turn red.
The Ghost pepper is about 5" tall, no fruit has produced... not one blossom.
My other peppers; anaheim pimentos,  habanero, serrano, and shishitos were very plentiful. I wonder what happened to the Hot Portugal and Ghost pepper?
Lou from Apopka, Florida 
I honestly can't give you an answer, I'm not an expert. It could be one in a million things. My plants have not produced yet but that's because I put them through some stress. I'd say be patient or try again.