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Extract... thoughts and opinions?

What does everyone think of it?

I don't think I will use sauces with it again. It's not that it's too hot... I just can't stand the taste (tastes chemically or something) - and it always :censored: up my stomach. :sick:
I think I can sum this up, and, I believe I speak for nearly everyone here, that extract can be described in one word. BLEEECK!
I have never tried it and I dont think I will.
I personally think nothing beats the flavor of a fresh pod right off the tree.
Extarct is only good in sauces when ya run across the person that says they can eat any hot sauce, at least thats what we do with it.
JayT said:
I think I can sum this up, and, I believe I speak for nearly everyone here, that extract can be described in one word. BLEEECK!

Haha, at least I'm not alone.

FadeToBlack said:
I have never tried it and I dont think I will.
I personally think nothing beats the flavor of a fresh pod right off the tree.

Too right! Don't spoil a good thing!

rds040800 said:
Extarct is only good in sauces when ya run across the person that says they can eat any hot sauce, at least thats what we do with it.

LOL! I got half a bottle of mega death left to do the same.
gasificada said:
What does everyone think of it?

I don't think I will use sauces with it again. It's not that it's too hot... but I can't stand the taste (tastes chemically or something) and it always f:censored:s my stomach up. :sick:

Exactly what it does to me and what i think of it. :oops:
Extracts can be good when used in moderation. I don't like the "ketone" flavor that most commercially produced extracts have. I use extract in one of my BBQ Sauces to really bring the heat on. (Blazin BBQ) But I don't use it to "overpower" the sauce. When useing extracts you quickly learn "less is more".
My thoughts on extracts....

I also agree with:
chilliman said:
IMO ; Extracts are useless, uncalled for , and could be replaced with organic substitutes.
I can honestly take them or leave them. Most of the sauces I use day to day don't have or require added extract. In fact, my favorite hot sauce of all is the one I make at home.
theirs only one or two good extracts... Defcon 0 and neills naga extract that he uses for his naga pepper...... aparently.

waits patiently for Passow to agree or dissagree.
Strange thread. Everybody is saying that extracts suck, yet Defcon who everybody loves uses extracts. What is up with that?
Diabolus said:
Strange thread. Everybody is saying that extracts suck, yet Defcon who everybody loves uses extracts. What is up with that?

I personally think that Defcons defense 1 and 2 and MKII taste like recycled nuclear waste....
I'm prone to say extracts suck...and for the most part they do.

But, there are exceptions. Like what I've heard of Defcon's stuff, and I'm growing fond of The Dammed sauce now. It actually tastes pretty good when used in stuff and is blindingly stoopid hot. It's great to add a LOT of heat when cooking without changing flavors that much.

In everyday use though, I stick to natural.
I think that extracts can be used in moderation, but too much of it and it gives the sauce a chemical taste. That and like others have posted, it gives me pepper belly. I've tried a few more sauces and am finding that I really like the natural hot sauces made from naga's and jolokia's. Great heat and decent flavor.