Extreme Membership 72 hr. Flash Sale 50% Off!

not having to be concerned with your PM box getting full and missing messages you didn't even know you had until you delete messages to make room
Example; an active member that does lots of seed trading, or decides to sell or trade a few boxes of pods, or maybe some extra plant starts...
your inbox can fill up pretty quickly with questions and messages
as an Extreme member there is plenty of room and you may never need to delete your messages 
Edmick said:
I do have to say though, after updating to "extreme" membership I already have increased libido, improved vision, smoother complexion, more chest hair and the chicks are really taking notice let me tell you.. Thanks THP! You're the BEST!  
Well, I WAS going to pony up for another year with this deal but after Edmick's endorsement????
The increased libido, improved vision, smoother complexion, and chicks really taking notice all sounds good, but the INCREASED CHEST HAIR :eek: was a deal breaker.  
I'll wait for the next 2-4-1 offer.  :cool:
This really is a good offer.  Take advantage if you can. 
Thanks to THP for the offer.

salsalady said:
Well, I WAS going to pony up for another year with this deal but after Edmick's endorsement????
The increased libido, improved vision, smoother complexion, and chicks really taking notice all sounds good, but the INCREASED CHEST HAIR :eek: was a deal breaker.  
I'll wait for the next 2-4-1 offer.  :cool:
Hey, in some cultures, chest hair on a woman is a symbol of true beauty.. And menopause.. :think: