fertilizer EZ flo and fertilizer ratio

juanitos said:
just so you know, i'm running more like 1/16 tsp per gal of dynagrow and 1/32 tsp per gal of MagiCal and doing fine. I'm cheapass and wanted to use less  ;)
So you just dilute it more before you put in the ezflo i guess.  That brings up an interesting question, i also own some dynagro bloom which is 3-12-6, do you guys think it would be wise to rotate them every little bit or mix them or what?
AlabamaJack said:
it looks like it is time for me to drop a couple of hundred and go to my hydroponics store....let's see...progrow, probloom, liquid karma, calmag....yup...that's over 200....
There is definitely a lot out there, that's what i am learning.
yeah i put less fert in the reservoir (i use mixrite not ezflow). so would be like 2 cups instead of 4 in your case.
i dunno about mixing, just use the bloom later in the season when you don't want the plant to grow in size anymore you just want more peppers.
juanitos...do you know the difference between botanicare and the products you use or are they similar?
juanitos said:
yeah i put less fert in the reservoir (i use mixrite not ezflow). so would be like 2 cups instead of 4 in your case.
i dunno about mixing, just use the bloom later in the season when you don't want the plant to grow in size anymore you just want more peppers.
ok that makes sense
AlabamaJack said:
juanitos...do you know the difference between botanicare and the products you use or are they similar?
The botanicare / general hydroponics are made to be mixed together at different ratios to make a complete solution.
The dyna grow is already a complete solution in each bottle (essentially they just mix them all together for you so you don't have to buy 3 bottles).
it means you have less control with the dynagrow what exact nutrient ratio your plants are getting, but for lazy people(me) and beginners its great because don't need to do any mixing, figure out ratios, etc.
juanitos said:
The botanicare / general hydroponics are made to be mixed together at different ratios to make a complete solution.
The dyna grow is already a complete solution in each bottle (essentially they just mix them all together for you so you don't have to buy 3 bottles).
it means you have less control with the dynagrow what exact nutrient ratio your plants are getting, but for lazy people(me) and beginners its great because don't need to do any mixing, figure out ratios, etc.
OK...cool...botanicare is all I have ever used because the results I have gotten from it have been outstanding...
AlabamaJack said:
it looks like it is time for me to drop a couple of hundred and go to my hydroponics store....let's see...progrow, probloom, liquid karma, calmag....yup...that's over 200....
perhaps you should consider making your own nutrients? costs a small fraction of bottled products. ive seen your old threads, you had insane numbers of plants. you could save a grip im guessing.
only expensive thing you need is a decent scale, accurate to .1grams at least. i got mine for like 40 bucks.
I've got a good scale measures in .01 gms....or so it says
as far as mixing my own...would have a clue where to start...and I don't know if you are talking micro-nutrients or standard NPK...
for micronutrients i use Scotts STEM( soluble trace element mix)
it has a good mix of 100% soluble chelated minerals, even boron. its like 10 bucks an lb tho. i bought 5 lbs like... 2years ago. it was a mistake, should have gotten like half a lb.
you can also buy a product they use in aquariums. its called Plantex CSM. its even more expensive tho.
for macros... you need the obivious stuff like calcium nitrate, MKP, potassium nitrate, epsom salt, potassium sulfate and maby calcium chloride.
you can get like 5-10 lbs of all of the above for like 100 bucks. will make thousands of gallons of fertilizer solution.
if you want to make solution concentrates, like the GH stuff. you will also need preservatives like sodium benzoate to protect the solution from bacteria/ algae. supposedly the chelate that solvate the metals is vulnerable to bacteria. 
I will have to read up on mixing my own...it has just been easier for me to buy the botanicare stuff
AlabamaJack said:
I will have to read up on mixing my own...it has just been easier for me to buy the botanicare stuff
Yea i get it. especially if the cash is forth coming.
if you want any pointers let me know. ive been doing it for a few years now.
cool man, I will take you up on that...