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F...ing around wit manzanos

So my aunt called me and said .... Killing the manzano pepper plant , its to big and messing up my fence . I never knew she even had it ..... Come get some peppers she said , so I picked up 14 of'em ..... Go back to the ranch , got some fajitas and wings on the grill....cuz shows up, he cuts a manzano in half and starts eating it.... I try some ahhhhh ok low meduim heat , so we try another and son of a brisket that....was a wicket one !!!!!
Never new they could get that hot !
The manzanos and rocoto's are related and albeit the manzanos aren't known to be as hot as the rocoto they both tend to have an "oddball" in there that's siginificantly hotter than the rest!
I know thas bad , but shes not in to peppers at all , her garden has alot of random plants going...she said that plant was there when she bought the place I tryed to save it but it was just to big, but I have some seeds , Ill get some going and got alot of seeds to pass along .

Thanks for the imfo. Fusebox , its a very intresting pepper ..... The contrast when its cut open , the deep orange and the black seeds.
Any pod shots? Sounds tasty. Manzanos can take some time to get going so its sad that she's going down so soon. I find that just about any plant can have a couple rippers on them. My first scorpion I was like "that's it??" and then a few weeks later the last pod on the plant was so hot the pain drifted from my mouth all the way up my face past my ears. My friends couldn't take a piece larger than a fingernail and even that made them really pissed at me :dance:
Yeah thats true , It happens a lot wit jalapenos...every once in a while you get one thats really hot .
Believe it or not, I once got a regular green bell pepper that had some serious heat in its placental material. Bit into it, and holy hell my mouth was on fire! :fireball:
Cut off most of the branches and dig out a manageable rootball. It takes many of us a year to get a ripe pod. Killing a mature plant hurts me.
I agree , trim it back dig up as much roots as possible, I over wintered both my red rocotos, I trimmed the branches and roots of one and left the other alone, turns out the pruned one is doing really, really well, I would imagine rather than kill a big thriving manzano, I would do whatever I could to save it, especially considering the time it takes to grow one and the wonderful flavor
A bell pepper really ! Well a pepper is a pepper I reckon .

It was the white placental material inside, where the seeds are attached. For some reason it had a super high level of capsaisin. A sharp hot burn, but went away fairly quickly.