f**k this

dub_sauces said:
Im tired of retyping this because i f**king took too long to post it. Deer suck balls, rabbits suck balls, and birds suck balls too. Im going to spend the rest of my summer on my deck with various rifles to shoot at the f**kers who are eating my peppers and tomatoes through double layer of fencing i put up
So I am growing outdoors on a 400 acre farm that I have mineral rights on. Found some great soil on the banks of a small creek. Nothing crazy just 26 plants total this year. SO FAR the deer havent gotten to them yet, or bugs. However, i suspect the reason is because the landowner leases some of the ground to a corn farmer. The corn this year in northeast Kansas is coming in bigly. Lots of sun, and precip. 
So what the deer have been doing is ravaging the early growing ears of corn. Every time I drive down the hill into the valley on my way to check the peppers there is new corn stalks knocked over. This area is loaded with deer. Big NE KS whitetail bucks, and a very healthy breeding herd of does. If I planted the corn I would be camping with a rifle myself. There have been some kind of gopher or shrew mound trails in the area but not close yet.
Every day I go out there I drink lots of water before hand and pee all around the perimeter of the plants. So far nothing has messed with these plants. Have you tried peeing around your perimeter to warn the other mammals whose territory they are in? 
dub_sauces said:
I do hear what you are saying about hippies being useless and never asking permission, but the ones i am referring to are college professors and have slightly more self control than most. They ask if they can pick our berries, or use my giant mulch pile, or use my firewood pile... Doubtful they would abandon the "ask and ye shall recieve" policy just for a few peppers, knowing i have guns and shoot things in the night...
I don´t think it´s the neighbors who are stealing the chiles; I´m suggesting that, in feeding the deer, your neighbors are the real pests here b/c they´ve exacerbated the deer problem.... The deer aren´t as afraid of humankind as they should be, plus they´ve come to associate human dwellings with easy food b/c they get treats rather than bullets from the professors/hippies in your ´hood. 
I can kinda relate b/c some POS at my community garden picked one of my Paper Lanterns, bit it in half, and then spit it out.  (I´m guessing it was too hot for them?)  The Marine-turned-hippie at the garden suspects it´s the destitute single Mom who rents a home directly behind the community garden; she hardly seems like a hippie, and i haven´t the foggiest idea if it was actually her or not.  But I will say, at least deer and most hippies have the decency to swallow the food they´ve stolen.  This scumbag just wasted it without reason.  It was just the one pod, but i´m still pissed, on principle.  I guess it would´ve been more poetic if s/he´d chosen something hotter, like one of the 7Pots.
dub_sauces said:
So i have to ask... What is with your signature? Bad translation?
It´s a quote from this thread here:  http://thehotpepper.com/topic/64207-why-does-the-hot-peppers-taste-like-sex/  I imagine that bad translation and language barriers are a factor, but there seems to be so much going on there, with that little gem.
Bicycle808 said:
I don´t think it´s the neighbors who are stealing the chiles; I´m suggesting that, in feeding the deer, your neighbors are the real pests here b/c they´ve exacerbated the deer problem.... The deer aren´t as afraid of humankind as they should be, plus they´ve come to associate human dwellings with easy food b/c they get treats rather than bullets from the professors/hippies in your ´hood. 
I can kinda relate b/c some POS at my community garden picked one of my Paper Lanterns, bit it in half, and then spit it out.  (I´m guessing it was too hot for them?)  The Marine-turned-hippie at the garden suspects it´s the destitute single Mom who rents a home directly behind the community garden; she hardly seems like a hippie, and i haven´t the foggiest idea if it was actually her or not.  But I will say, at least deer and most hippies have the decency to swallow the food they´ve stolen.  This scumbag just wasted it without reason.  It was just the one pod, but i´m still pissed, on principle.  I guess it would´ve been more poetic if s/he´d chosen something hotter, like one of the 7Pots.
It´s a quote from this thread here:  http://thehotpepper.com/topic/64207-why-does-the-hot-peppers-taste-like-sex/  I imagine that bad translation and language barriers are a factor, but there seems to be so much going on there, with that little gem.
Oh, i really cant pee all over my backyard and frontyard gardens, due to my children neighbors on 3 sides. Nobody around here actually has to work and they are home all day unless they are playing tennis or golf, so unless i want to wander around during an eclipse i am pretty certain our various security cameras and vigilant parents would land me in prison... Great idea otherwise tho
Bicycle808 said:
I don´t think it´s the neighbors who are stealing the chiles; I´m suggesting that, in feeding the deer, your neighbors are the real pests here b/c they´ve exacerbated the deer problem.... The deer aren´t as afraid of humankind as they should be, plus they´ve come to associate human dwellings with easy food b/c they get treats rather than bullets from the professors/hippies in your ´hood. 
I can kinda relate b/c some POS at my community garden picked one of my Paper Lanterns, bit it in half, and then spit it out.  (I´m guessing it was too hot for them?)  The Marine-turned-hippie at the garden suspects it´s the destitute single Mom who rents a home directly behind the community garden; she hardly seems like a hippie, and i haven´t the foggiest idea if it was actually her or not.  But I will say, at least deer and most hippies have the decency to swallow the food they´ve stolen.  This scumbag just wasted it without reason.  It was just the one pod, but i´m still pissed, on principle.  I guess it would´ve been more poetic if s/he´d chosen something hotter, like one of the 7Pots.
It´s a quote from this thread here:  http://thehotpepper.com/topic/64207-why-does-the-hot-peppers-taste-like-sex/  I imagine that bad translation and language barriers are a factor, but there seems to be so much going on there, with that little gem.
Woops, my bad, your post ran on from the previous one about peeing around the plants...
dub_sauces said:
Oh, i really cant pee all over my backyard and frontyard gardens, due to my children neighbors on 3 sides. Nobody around here actually has to work and they are home all day unless they are playing tennis or golf, so unless i want to wander around during an eclipse i am pretty certain our various security cameras and vigilant parents would land me in prison... Great idea otherwise tho
Sounds gross, but you could always pee in a jug or bottle or something so no one knows but you. [emoji1]

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Deer - String and cans.  I tie a bunch of cans together, put on upside down 5 gallon bucket, run the string to a stake maybe four foot off the ground.  Deer hits string, cans fall to ground, deer runs away.