business-legal Facebook business

I put my hot sauce on Facebook. A few friends have bought my hot sauce and a store wants to sale it. What are the legality of this. Do I have to make a certain amount to register it. My real question is am I going to get in trouble or fined.
Why are you afraid of getting fined?
Did you important ingredients from another country illegally?
There are tons of videos on YouTube showing how to start a business (even a hot sauce starting business)
Will-zone10a said:
Why are you afraid of getting fined?
Did you important ingredients from another country illegally?
There are tons of videos on YouTube showing how to start a business (even a hot sauce starting business)
I have never done this before..was hoping that I need to get to a certain income level before i got into all the illegality's  of business I am just selling to friends on facebook and 1 store 
CAUDLE said:
What are the legality of this.
In SC? Illegal.
CAUDLE said:
My real question is am I going to get in trouble or fined.
Only if you get caught.
CAUDLE said:
I put my hot sauce on Facebook. A few friends have bought my hot sauce and a store wants to sale it.

1. My friends tell me that my barbecue sauce or other bottled product is really good and that I should start selling it to the public. What are the requirements to sell my barbecue sauce or other bottle/jarred product to the public?

The product must be produced in an SCDA approved facility. A home or domestic kitchen is not acceptable. You will need to have the bottled/jarred/canned product analyzed by a processing authority. Most people use Clemson University in our state. Depending on the classification of the product, you may also be required to complete a FDA recognized Better Process Control School . You will also be required to register with the SC Department of Agriculture, have your retail labels reviewed and be inspected on a routine basis.We have a wonderful handout that can help you get started: FOOD ESTABLISHMENT QUICK GUIDE and a more comprehensive guide at SC Consumer and ProtectionDivision - Food Safety Division
The_NorthEast_ChileMan said:

In SC? Illegal.

Only if you get caught.


1. My friends tell me that my barbecue sauce or other bottled product is really good and that I should start selling it to the public. What are the requirements to sell my barbecue sauce or other bottle/jarred product to the public?

The product must be produced in an SCDA approved facility. A home or domestic kitchen is not acceptable. You will need to have the bottled/jarred/canned product analyzed by a processing authority. Most people use Clemson University in our state. Depending on the classification of the product, you may also be required to complete a FDA recognized Better Process Control School . You will also be required to register with the SC Department of Agriculture, have your retail labels reviewed and be inspected on a routine basis.We have a wonderful handout that can help you get started: FOOD ESTABLISHMENT QUICK GUIDE and a more comprehensive guide at SC Consumer and ProtectionDivision - Food Safety Division
that just answered that question..i am done before i got started....
I feel like there are some questions that were not answered - yet.
What are you doing that makes you feel you are going to get finned for illegal work? 
Is this just a blank question out of no where, or do you know something you should not be doing (like avoiding fees)?
Will-zone10a said:
I feel like there are some questions that were not answered - yet.
What are you doing that makes you feel you are going to get finned for illegal work? 
Is this just a blank question out of no where, or do you know something you should not be doing (like avoiding fees)?
I dont feel like nothing is wrong. i was told to take off face book by family because FDA might see and i could get fined. in South Carolina apparently the cottage food laws prohibit me for making sauce in my house. I knew if i come to this forum I would get the real answer..i called an attorney and ask him the does and do nots of what i need to do..1st off i need a kitchen then a business licence i am guessing.
CAUDLE said:
I dont feel like nothing is wrong. i was told to take off face book by family because FDA might see and i could get fined. in South Carolina apparently the cottage food laws prohibit me for making sauce in my house. I knew if i come to this forum I would get the real answer..i called an attorney and ask him the does and do nots of what i need to do..1st off i need a kitchen then a business licence i am guessing.
The city hall workers at SC will tell you what you can and can't do - they'll explain in greater details then we can.
It's not worth trying to walk around this, if anyone finds out everything will get shut down and you'll get slapped with a nice fee
Internet activity requires some specific knowledge 
No cottage law will let you sell on the internet because that is interstate commerce. So even if you made at home you could not sell on FB.
The Hot Pepper said:
My advice is don't sell until you are legit. You can give away, send for review, give to taste, give as gifts, etc. If and when you decide this is a business, do it right.
Would this work out for some cash ? How about a free will offering or donation for the product ? Would that get you by the not selling laws? That is until you get all the I’s dotted and the T’s crossed [emoji16]
Just wondering?[emoji16]

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PtMD989 said:
Would this work out for some cash ? How about a free will offering or donation for the product ? Would that get you by the not selling laws? That is until you get all the I’s dotted and the T’s crossed [emoji16]
Just wondering?[emoji16]

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
yes sir thats a great idea..10% of what i make goes to drug addiction ministry this might work. thank you
No. Do not accept money until you are legit. Let's say someone gets sick. Boom. Big trouble. Selling unsafe food products. Do it right.
CAUDLE said:
yes sir thats a great idea..10% of what i make goes to drug addiction ministry this might work. thank you
Caudle, it's clear you just want ideas to avoid fees.
Have you thought of taking on another part time/side hustle that doesn't deal with licenses?