seed-plant-vendors Fake Seed Warning

Fellow European friends
I wish to warn you about buying seeds from amazon and ebay ,and if after all warnings you choose to do so please avoid seller fmdinis .Its not money we are talking about here its wasted time. Rather buy from trusted sellers and use seed exchange since its more reliable and safer. 

Have a nice day !!!

Topsmoke said:
I was forced to buy piri piri seeds on amazon this year cause no one else had them and prickly pear pads from ebay for the same reason.  I was screwed on the peppers, Im pretty sure theyre Joes long cayennes and the cactus pads worked out great.  Honestly, I was more surprised by the cactus.  The seed seller has an 87%  positive rating.  Why? because people rated them when the seeds showed up not when they grew them out and how many people even know what a piri piri looks like?  Its like recipe reviews.  You read the comments they all have 5 stars and go like this " this looks great, cant wait to try making it some day" 
feels bad man ://
AloxVanFren said:
and mister ajdrew are you really trying to say that  I need 4 year of exp to warn someone about bad product ? damn. The reason I joined this forum is passion towards growing hot peppers, not rumoring. And don't worry I will take pictures to prove that I'm not some crazy kid who comes here to write bad things about people and vanish. Being few euros short is not problem problem is me wasting so much time and effort growing some ordinary chili pepper :) And you said you are Ebay seller yourself so send me the link of your Ebay page and I'll be glad to purchase some seeds from you for next growing season !
Not at all.  I am bringing up the issue of weight.  Nothing against you personally.  After I get to know you, your opinion will have more weight.  But I think your opinion will change by then.  Please follow:

AloxVanFren, joins THP about a month before this post.  It is the fourth post he has started, he warns us about how horrible Ebay merchants are.  One in particular, but in general be warned of all Ebay merchants. 

Moruga Welder, joined THP over two years ago, has nearly 4,000 active posts, has provided shit tons of information and help to other members (including myself) says there are some outstanding members of THP who sell on Ebay, that not all are scam artists, and yada yada.

Now then, whose opinion has more weight?  Well, in this particular case my own.  I have years of experience as a buyer on Ebay.  Yep, sometimes seeds are not what they report to be.  Sometimes they are perfect.  Thing is, I have years of experience buying seed from reputable sources.  Same experience.  Sometimes spot on.  Sometimes things do not grow as they should.  People make mistakes and mother nature has some really goofy habits.

On selling you seeds, I do not export.  However, I have a standing policy that I will trade for what ever with anyone outside the US who asks.  Look at my seed selection after this January.  Its in my signiture.  Send me a PM with what you want, I send you the seeds with a return address, send me anything you think I dont have or might enjoy.  That easy.  I am fairly sure it is legal as long as money does not trade hands.  I dont export because figuring out how is kind of nutty.

That and my daughter and I have a world map and put stick pins in where ever we trade.  Kind of fun.  Son thinks it is boring cause it doesnt have machine guns or boobs.
I couldn't agree more, but still I felt obligated to warn and I want to help people as well, I didn't check but it would be nice if we had list of good seed sellers on ebay. Anyways yes I'll be glad to trade something :D And I will PM you when time comes ! :)
Topsmoke said:
I was forced to buy piri piri seeds on amazon this year cause no one else had them and prickly pear pads from ebay for the same reason.  I was screwed on the peppers, Im pretty sure theyre Joes long cayennes and the cactus pads worked out great.  Honestly, I was more surprised by the cactus.  The seed seller has an 87%  positive rating.  Why? because people rated them when the seeds showed up not when they grew them out and how many people even know what a piri piri looks like?  Its like recipe reviews.  You read the comments they all have 5 stars and go like this " this looks great, cant wait to try making it some day" 
If you are still looking for seeds, I do have some from my isolated plants last year. Just shoot me a pm with your addy.
AloxVanFren said:
I couldn't agree more, but still I felt obligated to warn and I want to help people as well, I didn't check but it would be nice if we had list of good seed sellers on ebay. Anyways yes I'll be glad to trade something :D And I will PM you when time comes ! :)
Want to have fun?  Go Ebay and search for dildos or other adult toys.  You might have to change filters, not sure.  Anyway, find a popular dealer, one with lots of reviews, and read their reviews.  Oh my god it is funnier than reading the personals on Craigs List.  Yes, I have high speed internet and often get bored.

Once found a personal on Craigs list that was so entertaining, I wrote the person even though I was not looking to... uh buy?  I had to tell her that she made my day.  Her photo was a .45 / 410 five shot revolver called the Judge.  In case you do not know the thing, the .410 is a small shot gun round.  In a revolver, that is mighty large.  Gun looks like it is a revolver on steroids.

Anyway, her listing ended with an explanation of what the gun can do to the genitals, that she has a carry permit, and her first date will be out in the open with her girlfriend half a mile away with a sniper rifle perpetually aimed at her dates balls.