chinense Fam. Not impressed with morugas or butch t !

Yeah, and now I'm calling you out. Why can't you link your own stuff? You are still not providing pictures either, which OTHER posters here have commented on.

Hey armac, using your logic, daphill only got 96 posts.... :dance: :rofl:
I will f.cker I try and try till I get it , but wait yer not gona call the cops on me cuz the F.cken butch ts and morugas arent hot enough for me !
dude its not that they arent hot enough for you its that they arent hot enough for your entire family, they are droppin em like penos and thats hard to believe for many of us folks
I had a neighbor across the street here in Toronto who, along with her husband and children, immigrated from Mexico the previous year. I gave them a mason jar full of Butch T's which they used as she told my wife "sparingly".
Whats funny is tha Iam getting sh.t from two guys ones
Growing trinidad perfume , mulato , mucho nacho , and pepperocini .... And Favorit drink is blueberry tea .
The other one .... What can I say ...he is going by
The user name of .. ITBURNS !!!!!

Damn ! You boy are some puss characters .


Here are the butchts and a moruga


Butchts and pizza


My butch t plant


My trinidad scorpion moruga plant


Grilled butch t


What ? you boy think I just grow'em for show !
I guess I am a wuss. :)) Better start building my tolerance again. Tex16, you are one heck of a chilli head if you can manage those peppers.
I was also going to call BS. I don't care if your family is the biggest bunch of chili-heads in the world. Something isn't jiving. eh, I'm a wuss when it comes to very hot peppers.

You just have to understand it is quite an incredible claim and it is going to be met with scepticism.

I hope this isn't too much thread drift but I am guilty of something that ticks me off. Calling someone a liar should never be done casually. If you can't disprove it with certainty then you shouldn't say anything. It is a worse crime to call someone a liar who isn't then to tell a tall tale.

Anyway, this site isn't full of internet tough guys.
Take same photos, text me. I WILL POST FOR YOU. Might start some more conspiracy theorists posting again.

Good fun.

So it was you on the grassy knoll... I knew it!

I was also going to call BS. I don't care if your family is the biggest bunch of chili-heads in the world. Something isn't jiving. eh, I'm a wuss when it comes to very hot peppers.

You just have to understand it is quite an incredible claim and it is going to be met with scepticism.

I hope this isn't too much thread drift but I am guilty of something that ticks me off. Calling someone a liar should never be done casually. If you can't disprove it with certainty then you shouldn't say anything. It is a worse crime to call someone a liar who isn't then to tell a tall tale.

Anyway, this site isn't full of internet tough guys.

I have a cousin who is genetically immune to hot peppers. He's a police officer and has to take pepper spray to the face every year to stay certified. He gets blasted regularly, and it doesn't effect him. Nor do my hot peppers. *shrug*

Genius (and its antithesis) runs in some families, ability to handle Capsaicin - an interesting genetic gift - surely runs in others.
if its a rainbow family gathering, the heat that they didn't notice upfront will kick in when the LSD subsides. 8-12 hours = LSD, 8 -12 hours after super hot ingestion = lava butt. Worst. Come. Down. Ever!!!
hmmm, are your plants exposed to much wind, and do you let them dry out and wilt a little before watering? or are they watered constantly? i'm wondering if you're stressing them enough to make them peak heat. are you in a cool climate?