Farewell white bell pepper #5, you were a plant to me.


Any ideas what went wrong? I thought it needed water due to lack of rain, but it didn't respond to watering. Now I'm wondering if it's root damage, or PH problems.
The issue is everything else in the area looks fine.....so what went wrong?
As long as fruit are ripe & it's passed, I'd yank it and see what the roots look like as that's the only thing I can think of to cause this.
I've had plants do that during hottest days of summer in spite of watering when the soil they were in had poor water retention, but your whole bed should be suffering to at least an extent and not just that one plant.  I'd probably harvest the peppers and carefully dig it up like NE said, and I'd try to pot it up in a bucket with better soil mix if the roots looked healthy.
I'll probably wait a few days to see if the peppers start ripening (they turn yellow eventually), then I'll inspect the roots like suggested. Before the hot/dry streak we were having a good amount of rain, I was worried they were getting too much.

This plant is in the lowest corner of my garden (yard goes slightly down hill), so maybe water had pooled there under the surface and rotted the roots, then the dry weather finished off the plant.
I had a pepper plant do something similar a few weeks ago. It was wilting and wouldn't respond to watering. The other plants around it were fine.

I pulled it up to see if the roots would tell me anything, but the root system seemed OK. The soil seemed loose and uncompacted.

Since I already had several other duplicates of that pepper, I ended up shrugging my shoulders and discarding the plant.

I'll be curious to know what you find out in your case.
I lost four plants under what appears to be similar circumstances a few weeks back. Not sure what happened... There was some apparent damage the the stems of 3 out of 4 plants, under the soil line and just above the roots. Even more telling, to me, was the fact that all of the plants had what is consider underdeveloped root systems.

Ever since I pulled those plants, I've been living in a state of mild paranoia, wiring that note of my plants will be similarly affected.