hydroponics Fast maturing Ghost in Aerogarden?

Hey all!! Thanks for the welcomes. First time grower and poster.

I had this plan to sprout ghost peppers in an aerogarden sprout. Then move them outdoors (kratky) around Mother's Day. They sprouted, but its only 8 weeks (planted March 2) and they are showing buds and maybe only 6 inches tall. Otherwise they appear to be healthy with nice foliage and thick stems. I have been using the fertilizer that came with the aerogarden.

1. This seems fast. Is it?
2. Is this because of the limited grow space of the sprout?
3. If I pinch the buds and move them outside as planned will the growth phase kick off again or am I up the proverbial creek?


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Hey all!! Thanks for the welcomes. First time grower and poster.

I had this plan to sprout ghost peppers in an aerogarden sprout. Then move them outdoors (kratky) around Mother's Day. They sprouted, but its only 8 weeks (planted March 2) and they are showing buds and maybe only 6 inches tall. Otherwise they appear to be healthy with nice foliage and thick stems. I have been using the fertilizer that came with the aerogarden.

1. This seems fast. Is it?
2. Is this because of the limited grow space of the sprout?
3. If I pinch the buds and move them outside as planned will the growth phase kick off again or am I up the proverbial creek?


Hi there!

1. This seems fast. Is it? It happens, nothing to worry about!
2. Is this because of the limited grow space of the sprout? It might be environmental or link to the genetics of this particular plant
3. If I pinch the buds and move them outside as planned will the growth phase kick off again or am I up the proverbial creek? I tried it a few times and ultimately didn't notice much difference; the plant will continue to grow even if it pushes flowers as long as it has enough space and nutrients to thrive. Now I let them do their thing; to each plant his on pace!
Thanks Bou!

I just dropped an email to the seller to check the genetics. So I guess I will continue with my plan and see what happens. FWIW here is a pic.


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Your plant has already forked and seems to be developing just fine! Sometimes I see flower buds on plants barely half that size!
Seed guy says 8 weeks is about right for his genetics. He recommended putting them in their big buckets. So I will stick to my timeline and keep you updated. Thanks again for the reassurance!
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