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Fastest, best producing brown C. chinense?

I've grown many different brown chinenses over the years and they always seem to start slow for me. Does anyone have a variety that grows and produces quickly? or do you have a favorite for flavor or heat? I know the answer for most is Douglah;) but personally I can't decide which one I like best. They are usually all very similar with great flavor, and heat levels are all in the insane level or hotter. I don't know if it exists yet but I think I'd really like to have a milder version too, as long as the flavor remains.
Any other choco fans out there?
One of my favorites is the Chocolate Brown Habanero. It does start out growing slow just like most all of the C Chinense varities, but when it starts flowering it really picks up the pace. It does take about 90 days to get a ripe pod, but the plant (for me anyway) usually gets around 6 ft. tall and is a good producer. The pods also have a great flavor and very decent heat, but they're not to hot to still be able to eat them.

Reimers(never buy from them) version of chocolate brown habanero was the hottest pepper recorded in 2001 with a SHU of 301065
Chocolate brown habanero has apparently and unfortunately become a generalized name for all brown chinenses. I've grown chocolate brown habaneros and found them almost exactly the same as the Chocolate Caribbeans, chocolate Scotch bonnets, and brown congo. All had approximately the same heat and flavor and grew similarly. I'm pretty sure most chocolate varieties are really congos or Caribbean types. One type I've grown that is much different is the chocolate Madagascar which ripens totally different than any of the other browns although the flavor is similar.
I don't know if it exists yet but I think I'd really like to have a milder version too, as long as the flavor remains.

Yea I would like to see a chocolate variety with about the same heat as some of the Thai varieties. Imagine the chocolate chinese flavor, the Thai heat level, cheese, and crackers.
I would go for "Georgia black (PI 159246)" or "Panco (PI 315015)".

As I remember these (never been good at doing tasting-notes) they're both with mid-heat and typically chinense flavour. Pics of the fruits below.

Georgia black


I have a handful of new (to me...) brown chinenses to test this season, looking forward to see how they turn out.

While this one probably has more heat then what you are looking for, it is a step or two below Naga/Bhut levels. I would characterize the heat as upperend habanero level. Great smokey taste and flavor. Very prolific producer as well.

Jamaican Hot Chocolate.

I have some extra seeds and would be happy to mail you some.
Thanks for the offer Pete, but I've already got way to many varieties at the moment
Nice looking pods everyone!
Potawie I have one very special chocolate C. Chinense from Trinihottie that is a Douglah hybrid and a very good producer of medium size blistering hot pods. Shared seed with only a few select growers this past season but plan on growing out many plants this year for seed collection and to see if the seed I have are true. I have spoken to you about this plant before and really hope to have a new chocolate variety to share next year. Nice looking pods Rene, a mild C. Chinense with the great chocolate pod flavor is just what Potawie was looking for. The Chocolate Fatalii taste like a bell pepper.
Have you tried Aji Panca? I haven't tried it yet; growing them this season. From what I've read they are much milder. Maybe a cross is in order. :)
Potawie I have one very special chocolate C. Chinense from Trinihottie that is a Douglah hybrid and a very good producer of medium size blistering hot pods. Shared seed with only a few select growers this past season but plan on growing out many plants this year for seed collection and to see if the seed I have are true. I have spoken to you about this plant before and really hope to have a new chocolate variety to share next year. Nice looking pods Rene, a mild C. Chinense with the great chocolate pod flavor is just what Potawie was looking for. The Chocolate Fatalii taste like a bell pepper.

How did this end up working out for you? I'm looking for a few good browns for next season.
These were my browns from this year (Choco Habs and Choco Bhuts):

Probably should have crossed these... there's always next season.
I've grown many different brown chinenses over the years and they always seem to start slow for me. Does anyone have a variety that grows and produces quickly? or do you have a favorite for flavor or heat? I know the answer for most is Douglah;) but personally I can't decide which one I like best. They are usually all very similar with great flavor, and heat levels are all in the insane level or hotter. I don't know if it exists yet but I think I'd really like to have a milder version too, as long as the flavor remains.
Any other choco fans out there?
I've always loved the Congos...great producers and very flavorful!