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flavor Fatali taste trials begin!

Well I just got afew peppers from PBM...bought a couple of sfrbs of Fatali pods to try and find some exceptionally flavored ones. I had one from Drew last month that took me by surprise as the citrus flavor was very intense. I saved those seeds and hope to find another keeper or two for killer flavor out of these! I also got hooked up with some nice mixed boxes that are amazing looking....munching on Fatalis as I type this!


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Fataliis are awesome.  I got some from AJDrew/PBM last year in a box; this year, i grew them in Yellow, White, and Cream (Cream courtesy of seeds from Cone9). I got millions of yellows, quite a few peach, and only a hand full of white ones (probably my fault.) 
Regardless, for 2018, the only ones i really want to grow is the Yellows.  They are in my top ten favorite chiles, for sure.... so productive!  I´ll have to grow the Cream Fataliis again, because my wife adores them.  I think they´re good enough peppers, but they just don´t read as ¨Fataliis¨ to me; the shape, texture, and flavor are all too far removed from what a classic Fatalii ought to be.  The White ones taste like a ¨cleaner¨ Fatalii to me, and they taste quite good, but they taught me a valuable lesson: sometimes, i like the dirty taste more.  Also, the pods were too smooth to look Fataliish enough for my somewhat petulant preferences.
Yellow, Fataliis, though?? Yes, PLEASE.  I´ll be growing those to the bitter end, i suspect.  If i had to choose only one variety of pepper to grow, it´d be Yellow Fataliis or Yellow Bonnets.  (Thank goodness I don´t have to choose...)
Enjoy your Fatalii taste-testing!!  I think one added bonus of Yellow Fataliis is, they are a real-deal heirloom variety; if they´ve not been crossed, they are virtually guaranteed to grow true, in terms of shape, color, and (most importantly) flavor.
I know everyone goes gaga over the Yellow Fatalii but my favorite is actually the Red Fatalii.  Of course the yellow is still sensational, and I do usually prefer the yellow pods but I just think the red tastes better.  To me it has a richer flavor than the yellow. 
Buzzman19 said:
I know everyone goes gaga over the Yellow Fatalii but my favorite is actually the Red Fatalii.
BLECH!!! I'm the EXACT opposite, lol. The Red Fatalii is one of the only peppers I've actually spit out while chewing, hahaha. To me, they had a really nasty, bitter, "tomato-ey," "vegetable-y" taste. Kinda like V8 juice, which I despise. I honestly couldn't even choke it down, lol

To each their own, I guess ;)
MikeUSMC said:
BLECH!!! I'm the EXACT opposite, lol. The Red Fatalii is one of the only peppers I've actually spit out while chewing, hahaha. To me, they had a really nasty, bitter, "tomato-ey," "vegetable-y" taste. Kinda like V8 juice, which I despise. I honestly couldn't even choke it down, lol

To each their own, I guess ;)

lol, you must have had some defective pods!  Mine certainly didnt taste the way you described, but to each their own right. 
Bicycle808 said:
Fataliis are awesome.  I got some from AJDrew/PBM last year in a box; this year, i grew them in Yellow, White, and Cream (Cream courtesy of seeds from Cone9). I got millions of yellows, quite a few peach, and only a hand full of white ones (probably my fault.) 
Regardless, for 2018, the only ones i really want to grow is the Yellows.  They are in my top ten favorite chiles, for sure.... so productive!  I´ll have to grow the Cream Fataliis again, because my wife adores them.  I think they´re good enough peppers, but they just don´t read as ¨Fataliis¨ to me; the shape, texture, and flavor are all too far removed from what a classic Fatalii ought to be.  The White ones taste like a ¨cleaner¨ Fatalii to me, and they taste quite good, but they taught me a valuable lesson: sometimes, i like the dirty taste more.  Also, the pods were too smooth to look Fataliish enough for my somewhat petulant preferences.
Yellow, Fataliis, though?? Yes, PLEASE.  I´ll be growing those to the bitter end, i suspect.  If i had to choose only one variety of pepper to grow, it´d be Yellow Fataliis or Yellow Bonnets.  (Thank goodness I don´t have to choose...)
Enjoy your Fatalii taste-testing!!  I think one added bonus of Yellow Fataliis is, they are a real-deal heirloom variety; if they´ve not been crossed, they are virtually guaranteed to grow true, in terms of shape, color, and (most importantly) flavor.
Right on! I knew as soon as I crunched into one of AJDrew's last month I need to try more of them! I havent tried reds or anything yet but I cant imagine it getting much better than the ones I had in that SFRB lol, just a perfect mix of heat and flavor!
DaQatz said:
Candy a few they are great that way.
Ill have to look into this, I know one of my favorite pizzas had candied Peruvian cherry peppers on it (a Hawaiian style) and they set the whole thing off. Im drooling thinking of a Hawain stlye burger with candied Fatalis.....this has to happen now haha!
Chewi said:
Really nice box of pods right there! Be a shame if you didn't powder some for the winter!

I plan on just eating a bit of each pod to get a heat and flavor reading, then off to the dehydrator and maybe a small batch of Fatali puree. If I get the new place I want Ill have a ton of room to grow indoors so I can make some serious batches.
I´ve had Red Fataliis.... they´re a nice chile, no doubt, but they don´t really have that legit Fatalii vibe going on.  Taste profile is too different.
OoNickoC said:
Ill have to look into this, I know one of my favorite pizzas had candied Peruvian cherry peppers on it (a Hawaiian style) and they set the whole thing off. Im drooling thinking of a Hawain stlye burger with candied Fatalis.....this has to happen now haha!
I posted a howto awhile back [topic=18572]Candied Jalapenos and Habaneros[/topic] also did a [topic='51300']hard candied[/topic] guide if that's what you like.
Bicycle808 said:
The White ones taste like a ¨cleaner¨ Fatalii to me, and they taste quite good, but they taught me a valuable lesson: sometimes, i like the dirty taste more.  Also, the pods were too smooth to look Fataliish enough for my somewhat petulant preferences.
Personally, it's the whites that do it for me. Cleaner and almost creamy tasting, making them one of the most unique peppers I've tried, with the distinctive burn of a Fatalii to boot.