free Fatalii Seeds 4 U Free

I got great germ on my Fatalii's this time. Probably have 25-30 seeds left (from two reputable dealers).

PM me if you want them and I'll stick them in the mail to you.

Big Mike
Oops. They're already gone. I'm going to split them between two who first replied by PM.

I think I'll have some more varieties this coming weekend to offer ya'll.

Big Mike
JP. I've got tons of seeds if you want some

Mike feel free to send to either or. And let me know the other person and I can send them some. Seeds came from pods from JAG justaguy
I have Serrano seeds from Burpee & from PJ's and "Mixed Superhots" that I got in a Junglerain order. Will mail them to a good home. P.M. your address. First two to PM me. (I'll split them two ways)

Big Mike