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chinense Fatalii vs Yellow Bhut

I have been growing yellow bhuts this year, from a trustworthy source. Ever since they ripened I have questioned their authenticity because they are almost identical to the fatalii's I have seen around here. I haven't grown fataliis myself, but thanks to Coheed I have finally gotten the chance to compare them side by side.

I will post pics later today, I forgot to take any last night. Side by side, I cannot tell the difference from appearance alone. If they were all mixed up I would have no idea which is bhut and which is fatalii.

There are subtle differences in the interior of the pods. Fatalii seeds were concentrated near the stem end, bhut seeds were spread out along the length of the pod. Fataliis appeared to have a thicker placenta.

I cut a piece of each pepper, from the top of the pod with plenty of placenta. I ate the fatalii first, the heat was instant, hit the roof of my mouth and caused an instant case of hiccups (which is really rare for me). I didn't find it to be unbearably hot, which really suprises me since the only other time I have ever had hiccups was from a whole red bhut. The flavor came after the heat, it was pungent and fruity and did not taste like a bhut. Burned lasted about 10 minutes.

An hour later I ate the same size piece of yellow bhut. True to form, the yellow bhut hit me with the bhut flavor with the overtones of what I can only describe as "yellow". The heat followed and built, again true to form. The bhut burned for about 30 minutes and was WAY hotter than the fatalii.

So, while I will probably always question the yellow bhut's lineage, I now know, these are definitely not the same pepper. Has anyone else compared them side by side? Have any of you seen a yellow bhut strain that is more physically identifiable as bhut and not fatalii? Thoughts, opinions?
They're both similar in shape while the "true" Yellow Bhut tends to be rougher textured it also ripens and stays yellow whereas the Fatalii sets to an orange shade if left to over ripen.

Ok......that's only my opinion............................. ;)
They're both similar in shape while the "true" Yellow Bhut tends to be rougher textured it also ripens and stays yellow whereas the Fatalii sets to an orange shade if left to over ripen.

Ok......that's only my opinion............................. ;)

That is an interesting point. I did notice that the fataliis that were very ripe had a more orange color around the top, which is something I have not seen in my yellow bhuts. The textures I am looking at are almost identical though. Thanks for the input.
I have both growing next to each other. Mine have slight differences visually between the two, but it is easy to mix them up and then can't tell them part. The yel bhuts are definitely hotter, but both taste pretty much the same to me, with the fatalii being more pungent flavor wise. I remember burping up that taste six hours after eating one. I personally like the yel 7s flavor, from the ones i have, much better. Already have thought about not growing them both next season, and uping the yel 7s in their place.
And i think my yellow bhut do the slight orange change more so than the fataliis. The fataliis alway look more lemon yellow. Not sure if my fataliis go orange if i leave the be.
I will try to grab a pict tomorrow, of the two together, to show you what i mean.
But... im with you and also question my yellow bhuts.
Ga gh
I'm growing two yellow Bhut plants, one I started from seed and the other plant was given to me. My plants are growing true to form, bumpy, thin walled, somewhat dull skin. The other plant given to me looks like a Fatalii. No bumps, smooth skin, glossy appearance and the shape is shorter and girthy. Where as my plant pods are more slender with tails. You can check out my glog if you want to see pod pics of the ones I started from seed.
Right is the Bhuts and left is the fatalii.

The fatalii has a wider body and the yellow bhuts are thinner, twisted and have the trailing tail

You are correct sir! Like I said, once I was looking at a picture of them it became more obvious. Might have something to do with my total lack of depth perception.
Ok. Here are mine. Which is which?

The one on the right bottom looks like a true Fatalii while the one above it looks a little bit like the others with a little bump right below the stem like the Yellow Bhuts I have and the others on the plate. To me Fatalii are almost always 3 lobed and pointy with no deep horizontal wrinkles like a few on the left side. There are always variations even on the same plant and I am no expert so take what I say for what you want. Yellow Bhuts to me should be just like Red Bhuts but yellow. Long, pointy and rough skinned. Here are a couple of my Fatalii


On the right obviously.


And Yellow Bhuts from Thepeppergrowingman.


So true. Those look Beautiful! My yel bhuts dont look like my reds. My chocolates look picture perfect almost better than my reds on some pods. But have questioned mine from the first pods.
And yes fataliis on the right. Both from same plant. They are three lobed.
I have already discounted my yel bhuts, as in not growning the seeds next year. Im really don't care for the fataliis either though. Going to focus on the yel 7s which i like better flavor wise.
Thanks for sharing those.