fatalli jelly

I would like a pepper jelly recipe for fatalli, or naga. I would like it hot! I'm going to buy a jelly making kit soon and start making some. I have about a dozen varieties of hot peppers this year and want to try something new.
(this post seems to have slipped by folks.)

Any pepper jelly recipe will do, just substitute fataliis or habs and use fruit flavors that go well with fataliis and habs.

Google Pepper Jelly Recipe and you'll probably get tons of hits.

there are tons of online recipes that use Certo brand pectin and food coloring.

here's a recipe that is more involved, but does not use pectin (I don't know why some people don't like pectin ???) and it uses cranberries for color.


You could also boil chopped cranberries in vinegar to get the color into the vinegar, strain the vinegar and then use that in one of the other pectin recipes. Take note of the amount of vinegar you boil (start with more than you will need) and measure it after it's boiled. You don't want to start with the 1 1/2 cups of vinegar needed for the recipe and then end up with only 1 1/4 cups due to evaporation.
A member here named Katrina made some great fatalii jelly. Let me see if I can find the thread.

Here you go, her recipe is about halfway down the page.
