contest February Throwdown

Did I miss the starting gun? Or was it previously posted of an e.t.s?

(estimated start time) :cool:


This is the first Friday of the month. TD thread should have been started by now. Are we waiting for Super Bowl weekend?... because that weekend is here!!! Or am I wrong???

THP needs to get off the hot sauce.
If you missed it then I missed it too.

I am hoping for something soon because I planned to join you all in this one. I went out and bought everything I needed to make something for tonight, and part of it needs to sit for a 8-12 hours. So, I am just going to take some pictures and go ahead and start that part and hope.
It would be nice if there was a place just for posting the decided upon t-down. Debate on a thread like this one then have a spot for what it is. Just an announcement only type spot.

Would be nice to know before the day it is due. I don't know about anyone else, but I usually follow these threads and miss the announcement.
Super bowl seemed to get the most attention so I planned for that. If it ends up being something different I hope I can call an audible with what I have.