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review Feisty Parrot-- OUCH! Hot Sauce Review

Hey everybody, Big Red here again for another hot sauce review! Today's review is Feisty Parrot-- OUCH! Hot sauce. 
I already uploaded this but the hiccup in the service deleted it. 
hogleg said:
I could'nt agree with Ryme more. And I like chunky to, just not gritty from seed.
Well done Red
I love a chunky sauce too, but this one was a bit too much for me. Thanks for watching 
Gotta say I can't stand reviewers that rave about everything. Not possible and can't trust 'em. And others that like chunkier sauces can dig on this because you were professional about it, and didn't dog the texture as being bad. You explained it was chunky, and not for you. Good work.
X2 (or is it 4 or 5?)
Not all sauces can be all things to all people. But reviewers who hand out 9/10 or 10/10 like candy on Halloween aren't credible, and other reviewers will find something they don't like about a product and allow it to tank the entire review, which isn't fair at all. 
Agree with THP - you handled it professionally, calling out the good and explaining that it's a matter of personal preference. Sounds like the flavor was terrific, so for some folks (myself included) texture takes a back seat. Of course there's a limit to that - if a sauce has hard bits of seed or something in it that truly makes it undesirable and overpowers the flavor, by all means call it out.
But that doesn't seem to be the case here. More of a preference for thinner sauces. 
Another good review though all told - I enjoy your approach as well - very dry, and a slow tempo (for a quick talker like me your pace is almost painfully slow. :rofl:
Thanks for the review Dylan :P  I have agree with LDHS and THP, everyone has different tastes and likes/dislikes. We (clearly) like the chunkier sauces, almost relish like I guess, but completely understand that others have a preference for thinner sauces. Thanks again and look forward to seeing what you think of the other sauces!
FeistyParrot said:
Thanks for the review Dylan :P  I have agree with LDHS and THP, everyone has different tastes and likes/dislikes. We (clearly) like the chunkier sauces, almost relish like I guess, but completely understand that others have a preference for thinner sauces. Thanks again and look forward to seeing what you think of the other sauces!
Any time. To be honest, the texture is really growing on me in a good way. I LOVE the El Jefe sauce, i'll have a review up soon. Thanks again for sending it. 