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fermenting Fermented then dried peppers

Fermenting the peppers mellows out the flavor quite a bit, and gives them a different flavor all together. I wonder if you could preserve that flavor by making it into a powder of a flake for seasoning dishes. I don't see any reason this wouldn't work although you would have to use the oven to dry the peppers since they will be chopped up pretty small to ferment.
Anyone done this yet?
It is worth a try this fall with a small test batch.
I don't see why it wouldn't work.  It would definitely be interesting to see how much the fermenting impacts the final powder. 
I haven't done this myself, but the technique is known. I have a small jar of Urfa pepper flakes which is a Turkish brown pepper that is fermented and dried. The flakes still have a lot of moisture, more like jerky. Tea is another product that is fermented and then dried. Might be tricky to balance fermentation vs mold growth, but try it out and let us know what you learn!
And a Wayyyyyyyyyyyy we go. Decided I had nothing better to do on a friday night and a few extra peppers. 
Here are the brains, onion and garlic ready to chop up. 

Those ingredients, a tsp of salt and a tsp of yogurt whey in a 1/2 pint jar... Let the experiment begin. I'll check back in a month or so. 

I have a couple other test ferments going right now. The Brain powder is in the middle. 
Several people I know ferment gallons of pods but only need 3/4 of it for personal use sauces or whatever.
Freeze it in ice cube trays for future referance or whatever.
They dehydrate the rest for powders.
Still tastes like the pods but adds an added different flavor to the powder.

I guess you could call it a mellowed out taste but still pretty much the same heat.

The dry stuff people sent me has been pretty cool for rub mixtures.
Taste is milder or different,heat was basically near the same as fresh but it seemed to blend better with other spices in a rub.
I don't have a lot of experience with dry fermented stuff so I could be wrong.

I used to make a lot of fermented peppers then add cabbage etc. to make Kimchi(sp?).
Ferment the pods then add them to cabbage etc.
I think whatever was in the peppers that made them ferment was something cool that made the cabbage ferment in a mellower tasting blend of flavors or whatever.

I never added anything to my peppers.Just water and salt I think.
I'm on blood thinners and can't eat Cabbage anymore.
I think I added whatever it is that you use for Yogurt making at first or a dab of yogurt at first but it seems to only make the peppers ferment faster in general.
I don't ferment stuff these days but it seemed whatever was in the air or peppers fermented the same tasting end product.
Adding the yogurt stuff just made things work faster.
Your milage may vary...

Wish I could still eat my Kimchi ,Stuff was great on chile dogs or homemade smoked sausages,The same way you'd use sauerkraut.But had added flavours from whatever I added to the mix-Smoked garrlic or whatever.
Had more flavor,I preffered Kimchi as an addition to stuff rather than by itself.
Either was good,one was just better.