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fermenting Fermenting question

Hello, I am new to fermenting peppers and I would like to try wild fermentation on some cayenne peppers I am growing. I was wondering what others thought about this method: 
In it, the peppers get brined in a mixture of salt and high-sugar wine. One thing I noticed was that the person in this article was using significantly less salt than what was suggested in the "Fermenting Peppers 101" thread (2% of pepper weight in the article vs 6%-10% of pepper weight in the thread). 
They don't address it but I would think it's because the alcohol of the wine does the same as the salt to help prevent the bad bacteria from getting a hold in the mash. Of course the best protection for the mash is the Co2 layer that develops. Once there's no air in there, there's little chance that any nasties will get started.
One thing that concerns me is they do not cover the vessel.  I think it's okay to cover only w/ cloth for a few days to let the good bacteria in, but after that there needs to be a tight lid or a lid w/ a one-way valve.  Otherwise, your liquids would evaporate and no CO2 layer would develop.
Well what I ended up doing was:
1) chopped up peppers/added to jar
2) mixed in ~6% of pepper weight kosher sea salt
3) mixed in a little less than a quarter cup of whey that I extracted from some plain yogurt 
4) filled jar w/ Riesling wine 
5) capped everything up w/ a lid&airlock
I'm not completely sure what I am doing, but we shall see ^^