Fermenting urine for CO2

ajdrew said:
Never thought to increase the CO2 in my grow room, but do want to learn to make bier.  Now thinking maybe two two just naturally go together.
I think the main resource covert grows are concerned with is space.  So I do get the feeling it is a viable thing for such grows.  Some of their grows look like the star ship enterprise.  Venting, cooling, CO2, and other matters all controlled with timers, sensors, and even computers.  It is amazingly complicated.  But with the money they spend, I have to figure they are on to something.
Does the input justify the output? 
resili626 said:
Does the input justify the output? 
Try it yourself, and find out.  I'm willing to bet anything that even a relatively amateur level weed grower will outgarden you on any given day...

You are in a pepper forum.  Different plants, different end uses, different growing environments, different, different, different...
resili626 said:
Does the input justify the output? 
Probably not with peppers.  I think of marijuana growers are like the first internet porn sites.  That is where the best tech is because that is where the most money is.  Like the porn industry, that will change as more people start growing marijuana.  Hell, I am still trying to figure out why it isn't free in Colorado.  Cant people just grow it in their back yards there?
ajdrew said:
Probably not with peppers.  I think of marijuana growers are like the first internet porn sites.  That is where the best tech is because that is where the most money is.  Like the porn industry, that will change as more people start growing marijuana.  Hell, I am still trying to figure out why it isn't free in Colorado.  Cant people just grow it in their back yards there?
I'm sure that if you think about that for a couple more seconds, you'll realize why outdoor grows aren't as popular as they "should" be.  :D
CO2 supplementation is definitely a thing but probably wholly pointless if you have adequate ventilation and definitely cost prohibitive if you are just growing peppers.
You can read all about it in studies or on cannabis forums but the basic idea is that under ideal growing conditions increasing CO2 from ambient atmospheric concentration at 300-400ppm to about 1000-1500ppm can boost yield 20-30% in C3 or C4 plants. Plants also tolerate higher temperatures when CO2 concentrations are elevated which helps when growing in an enclosed, sealed space that you aren't able to adequately cool.
However running a piss powered fermenter is not going to generate enough CO2 (or possibly any at all) and do nothing but stink up the grow room. To actually boost CO2 enough to make a difference growers use propane powered generators or compressed CO2 tanks with regulators, both of which are fairly expensive. 
Basically this is all pointless unless you are growing weed.
solid7 said:
I'm sure that if you think about that for a couple more seconds, you'll realize why outdoor grows aren't as popular as they "should" be.   :D
Thats not true. The price of indoor bud in Cali has dropped so low that unless you are stealing PG&E, than the cost of production (with HID, fukk those silly ufo lights) is almost equal to the price. Outdoor has finally been blowing up out here again like the old days in the 70's and 80's. Not so much others states but in Cali indoor is on the decline while outdoor is blowing the fugg up. 
Oh and unless you are getting a $150 per SFRB of peppers, trying to run co2 for peppers is a waste of time and money. Also running any homemade co2 get up, or any store bought shit that says it DOES IT, is also a waste of time and money. Pretty much anything other than a dedicated system with a tank, is a waste of time and money. You heard it here straight from Hog and thats the way it is.
hogleg said:
Thats not true. The price of indoor bud in Cali has dropped so low that unless you are stealing PG&E, than the cost of production (with HID, fukk those silly ufo lights) is almost equal to the price. Outdoor has finally been blowing up out here again like the old days in the 70's and 80's. Not so much others states but in Cali indoor is on the decline while outdoor is blowing the fugg up. 
Oh and unless you are getting a $150 per SFRB of peppers, trying to run co2 for peppers is a waste of time and money. Also running any homemade co2 get up, or any store bought shit that says it DOES IT, is also a waste of time and money. Pretty much anything other than a dedicated system with a tank, is a waste of time and money. You heard it here straight from Hog and thats the way it is.
I can't even grow a goddamn mango in my front yard without somebody trying to steal it.  Go ahead and tell me that nobody tries to pinch your bud.  Go on, say it...
solid7 said:
I can't even grow a goddamn mango in my front yard without somebody trying to steal it.  Go ahead and tell me that nobody tries to pinch your bud.  Go on, say it...
Oh Hael No!! Nuthin' piss's me off more than a slimy mango poacher!
No its true lots of suburban small time backyard growers get scoped and picked. But any pro grower most often outside any city limits has dogs and guns at the ready 24/7 the last two months. The people that are serious and stand to lose 50+ g's usually don't lose anything to rippers.
This is what you were looking for:
This is in somewhat more detail:
And this is the the meta analysis from 2005(science term for: compilation and analysis of all the experiments made on a specific subject):
A fast glance over this looks to be true, higher concentration of CO2 will have effects on growth from 7% to at least 50% of plant mass and because of that some increase on fruit production.
Now this these were scientific experiments meaning it was a very controlled environment, if your grow room is small and open the door, an gas equilibrium will hapen with the outside.
Current CO2 levels are 0.04% (400 ppm) and in the studies it was roughly 600 ppm. And its lethal for humans at @3%.
Its very interesting but probably very impractical for 1 grow room.
just seems silly for a small room growers.  IMO i would rather go with an aquaponics setup compared to pissing into a jug and hoping it works  :rofl:
plus you can get fish out of it if you go big enough :p  
solid7 said:
I'm sure that if you think about that for a couple more seconds, you'll realize why outdoor grows aren't as popular as they "should" be.   :D
In legal states all I can think of is lazy ass non gardening teens ripping things off the way deer rip off other gardens.  Lay ass deer need to grow their own damn gardens.  Dun screw with my watermelon.
hogleg said:
Oh and unless you are getting a $150 per SFRB of peppers, trying to run co2 for peppers is a waste of time and money.
I think for most of us that is true, but willing to bet there are mad scientists in the pepper field.  That and if a person is looking to heat a green house, the extra CO2 might be another reason to use propane.  Have seen many heaters that do not require venting.  Gotta figure it is cause they throw off CO2 instead of monoxide.  Yes? 
Hogleg, about small backyard grows getting ripped off:  Last year I started a row of bhutt up by the front road.  Put a marker that clearly labeled them.  Fairly sure that is where the ghost peppers that were found in the local middle school came from.  It made it into the local newspaper.  At this point, not sure if having a row up front keeps the kids from going out back or not.  I think so cause have been reading about folk having decoy pot gardens.  Kind of boggles the mind that you would work so hard on something for others to rip off.
ajdrew said:
In legal states all I can think of is lazy ass non gardening teens ripping things off the way deer rip off other gardens.  Lay ass deer need to grow their own damn gardens.  Dun screw with my watermelon.
I'm sure it's not just lazy ass teens.  Pretty much anyone rolling up is going to be on a lazy streak, at some point.  If you'v already got the lazy, it's easier to steal than it is to grow or buy your own.  Or so it would appear.
Now, along those lines - the theme now being laziness - I once advertised a garden to a group of neighbors.  We were moving, and I had the nicest garden full of tomatoes and peppers that you've ever seen. (seriously, it was incredible)  I basically told them that they could take all they wanted, for absolutely free.  I mean, hey...  they always liked it when I gave them fresh produce.  Do you think anyone took that offer?  Somebody stole a busted ass ladder out of my backyard, but nobody had the ambition to pick a life sustaining morsel.  
Moral of the story - whatever you think your logic is, it's wrong.  Down is up, black is white.  The world isn't right, and you're not either if you think you've got it figured out. ;)
solid7 said:
I'm sure it's not just lazy ass teens.  Pretty much anyone rolling up is going to be on a lazy streak, at some point.  If you'v already got the lazy, it's easier to steal than it is to grow or buy your own.  Or so it would appear.
Now, along those lines - the theme now being laziness - I once advertised a garden to a group of neighbors.  We were moving, and I had the nicest garden full of tomatoes and peppers that you've ever seen. (seriously, it was incredible)  I basically told them that they could take all they wanted, for absolutely free.  I mean, hey...  they always liked it when I gave them fresh produce.  Do you think anyone took that offer?  Somebody stole a busted ass ladder out of my backyard, but nobody had the ambition to pick a life sustaining morsel.  
Moral of the story - whatever you think your logic is, it's wrong.  Down is up, black is white.  The world isn't right, and you're not either if you think you've got it figured out. ;)
moral of the story is people seem to want to utilize the weirdest stuff, utility over sustainability!!!!   hope whoever tries to  welcome themselves to my garden takes a reaper or two to be in for a world of hurt later on  :rofl: