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Ferrero's Super Hot Aquaponics Glog

Well I thought its about time I wrote a Glog so here it goes.

I've always loved chilli and have bought plants before mainly habs and birdseyes, I've tried starting some seeds last year but unfortunitly it was late winter and I had no luck, so after last years flop and this year I decided to give it a proper go and I know its just come into winter down here but I thought hey why not :D it'll be a good early start to the growing season.

So my mission was to throw something together with the stuff I already have sitting around the house or free from somewhere else... I knew I had an incubator but its to small for all the plants I wanted to start and the heating element is low wattage but hey I figured I could fit the lid with the working components onto something but what??

After Rattling my brain for a bit I visted a friend of mine and during the conversation I mentioned I wish that I hadn't thrown out my old fishtank because I could use it right about now, my mate then walked me around the corner of his shed and he said you can have this fishtank if you like. So now with a fishtank in hand I head home and scrounge around and find an old aquarium heater "brilliant"...

So I set the whole thing up and below is what it looks like in the end with a few other things I found

Trinidad Scorps
Trinidad Choc Scorps
Trinidad BS
Trinidad Moruga
Trinidad Douglah
Cili gorongong
Naga Morich
Mixed unknown Superhots
Jimmy Nardello





very happy camper right now I just recieved my seed order of trinidad brown and Monster Naga with Trindad primo as a freebee :) I think I'm going to have to crack out the pot plants if I get all these seeds germinating
I was just looking back at your Kelpie, same markings as my new little fella.

That system you have going there, no weeds then? got any pics of how you set up that 1000 liter tank.

Hey mez,

Check out my earlier thread it's got a few details about how I put it together


Those kelpies are great dogs i've got a new pup not long ago which I'll have to upload some pics of when I get home not a kelpie though :) how is buddy going mez?
My dog keeps farting, real eggy bastards as well, dont think his guts are used to protien yet (phew) !!

I followed your link & then spent all arvo reading on the subject. :party:

Floats the go i reckon.

Sumps tanks are a little easier to control the water levels, I pump from my sump to fishtank and to most growbeds, you can actually just pump to fishtank and have gravity feed to tanks then to the sump :) I only have to fill up the sump every now and then when it looks like its getting low.

Did you check out http://www.backyardaquaponics.com/forum/ a lot of good info there
Yep been on there, read right through that masssive PDF as well & the PDF`s at the bottom, then got on to that giant one in Dubai.
All in all a very informative afternoons reading, i have learnt a lot today.

And my dog is still farting bad & ive just cooked him a big pork bone on the barbie. :rofl:

be carefull Mez aquaponics is very addictive :) I have another pdf I can send ya if you'd like. I just planted those seeds out after there soak didn't think to much about a couple small cuts on my hand but far out they are stinging now...
My dog keeps farting, real eggy bastards as well, dont think his guts are used to protien yet (phew) !!
If you're treating him for worms, that might explain it...Antibiotics often do the same. Once you get his guts back online it should straighten out.

Really nice looking aquaponics rig wildfire. I've never seen one that used traprock for the growing medium before.
Well its just under two weeks and I wanted to wait till sunday but I just couldn't and the first picture will explain why :) Everythings going well with 14 days of spring left we should really see some good growth in the next couple of months



The system


I got home today and feed the fish as per usual and was surprised to see how big those two pods had grown since friday, I have no idea what plant it is I suppose thats the surprise :) The system had a pretty big flush over the weekend with some huge storm cells that hit south east qld so I don't know if its the fresh rain or these chillis just develop quickly or what?

Sounds very therapeutic with the water bubbling away, do you think you need some shade cloth on them plants? especially the bath tub plants.

yea quite possibly seedlings always take a lot longer in that growbed once they get a bit bigger though they just go silly
Hey guys its been another 2 weeks since my last update, I've had a few issues with fruit fly but hopefully all my fruit won't be spoiled by the time I get my mosquito netting I've bought :D

Here are a few pics



