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Fertiliser - which one to use when

It feels good when you just pour on the love, and your plants love you back.

Fertilizer? No and I guess a lot of people or some are gona go for compost tea. Because it's simple, fool proof, and your plants love it.

, Vegas
The one thing about compost tea that I don't like...

My plants don't respond well to it in the winter time. I think It sits on the leaves too long and goes bad before it fully evaporates.

I have been testing/using AACT religiously from last May (5/2012) until now. I feel confident saying it does better in a warmer climate. 80*-90* F daily highs seem to be optimal. 50*-70* F seem to be detrimental to minimal.
The one thing about compost tea that I don't like...

My plants don't respond well to it in the winter time. I think It sits on the leaves too long and goes bad before it fully evaporates.

I have been testing/using AACT religiously from last May (5/2012) until now. I feel confident saying it does better in a warmer climate. 80*-90* F daily highs seem to be optimal. 50*-70* F seem to be detrimental to minimal.

I kinda noticed the same thing here in Florida as we had a longer cold spell this year.
do you guys brew your own tea or buy some of the concentrated products available?

You cant really buy AACT...

The idea, is to grow a microbial culture that is beneficial to your soil food web. We harvest the culture at the most optimal point. Putting it in a bottle and sticking it on a shelf actually makes it turn bad.

This organic style of gardening is hard for people to get at first. You basically throw the idea of "NPK" out the window. Instead you build your soil up and let it feed your plant the same way it would in nature. Don't be fooled though, it's still a very scientific approach.

Some people think of organic gardening as a holistic bunch of hippy mumbo jumbo. The funny thing is, it's a very scientific based method backed by years of research.

Rather than synthesizing nature, we are trying bring it to our gardens. The more you get into organic gardening the more you learn about plant biology, and biodiversity. Rather than knowing chemicals we learn about fungus, and microbiology and how it works in natures balanced ecosystems.

I make it sound complicated, but we have it broken down to a very simple process. If you read this thread you will have a pretty good idea what is going on. http://thehotpepper....actcompost-tea/

I still respect the synthetic type of gardening, and I know it works well for some people, I just seem to have better results with an organic approach.
You cant really buy AACT...

The idea, is to grow a microbial culture that is beneficial to your soil food web. We harvest the culture at the most optimal point. Putting it in a bottle and sticking it on a shelf actually makes it turn bad.

This organic style of gardening is hard for people to get at first. You basically throw the idea of "NPK" out the window. Instead you build your soil up and let it feed your plant the same way it would in nature. Don't be fooled though, it's still a very scientific approach.

Some people think of organic gardening as a holistic bunch of hippy mumbo jumbo. The funny thing is, it's a very scientific based method backed by years of research.

Rather than synthesizing nature, we are trying bring it to our gardens. The more you get into organic gardening the more you learn about plant biology, and biodiversity. Rather than knowing chemicals we learn about fungus, and microbiology and how it works in natures balanced ecosystems.

I make it sound complicated, but we have it broken down to a very simple process. If you read this thread you will have a pretty good idea what is going on. http://thehotpepper....actcompost-tea/

Thanks ! It is an interesting topic, I've been using the nectar for the gods medusa magic fertilizer and it seems to be working ok. Plants are greener and lusher.

But i was talking more about these



Anyone have any knowledge or experience on these types of products?

Thanks ! It is an interesting topic, I've been using the nectar for the gods medusa magic fertilizer and it seems to be working ok. Plants are greener and lusher.

But i was talking more about these


http://www.amazon.co...rds=compost tea

Anyone have any knowledge or experience on these types of products?

lol yes,
That is a dry powder that you put into a AACT.

Grass clippings, dirt, and molasses, will do the same thing. ;)

The spray stuff is probably (90% sure) less effective than a home brew.

If you are itching to spend money, buy a 5gallon bucket, dual line fish tank pump, air hose, and a few air stones.

And if you are feeling really spendy, get a worm bin and be set like a champ.
lol yes,
That is a dry powder that you put into a AACT.

Grass clippings, dirt, and molasses, will do the same thing. ;)

The spray stuff is probably (90% sure) less effective than a home brew.

If you are itching to spend money, buy a 5gallon bucket, dual line fish tank pump, air hose, and a few air stones.

And if you are feeling really spendy, get a worm bin and be set like a champ.

Wish I could, but the problem is space is limited having the plants out in an apartment balcony. It is way more convenient (not just because of laziness ;) ) to use something I can mix into the can prior to watering.

Just looking for the best natural solution to my situation.. :dance:

Wish I could, but the problem is space is limited having the plants out in an apartment balcony. It is way more convenient (not just because of laziness ;) ) to use something I can mix into the can prior to watering.

Just looking for the best natural solution to my situation.. :dance:


Man, I am sure you can adapt a 3 L. Coke bottle to get aact going - probably for the same price of 1 commercial product... But you got yours free for life ;-)
