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fertilizer Fertilizer Help

Hey guys do you think a 8-10-10 fertilizer is good for super hots that are about 5 inches in 4 inch containers right now?

That depends how much of it you use of course!

If you have a TDS (ppm) or eC (uS) meter, you can control how many nutrients are dissolved in the water you are feeding them. Probably best to not exceed 500 ppm at this time.
ok thanks guys and what about a foliar spray..some water mixed with a lil magnesium sulfate. will that help or hurt at this point?
Right now they need bigger pots more than anything. Once in the bigger pots, whatever amount of fertilizer you give them will be at lower concentration in the soil, and the nutrients already in the soil are available. When I repotted mine I mixed a little 10-10-10 into the soil, just a little then didn't fertilize again for 3 weeks or more.
you can pick up a ppm meter for around $10 online. I never use foliar feeding at all. I've had terrible luck with that. Even with super small doses of superthrive... i just suck at it i guess. :P