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fertilizer Fertilizer, pots, and transplanting

Back to back questions tonight lol. Again I am new to growing hot peppers in containers. I have been doing experiments in preparation for my upcoming grow of a few hundred peppers and in so doing I had a couple plants turn up sick. After investigating I realized I over fertilized em. Can anyone give me some potted pepper fertilizing wisdom ? What are common issues in terms of nutrient needs and deficiencys. How do I stay on top of this especially in smaller pots. Also when and how often should they be transplanted. What size pots should I start then finish them in?
you can use the search bar or each one of your questions and find all the answers you need. all your questions have been discussed numerous times here.
As far as nutrients go, fertillizing too much or too often causes nutrient toxicity. You don't want to throw a super concentrated soluton into the soil, nor do you want to give it to em too often. Either way, the salts build up in the soil, which harms the plants. What is your fertillizing program, and what ferts?
I don't really have one, as I stated I'm new to container growing and was kind of looking for some guidance. I'm trying to learn on the fly.

This is the topics that came from the search bar. Use it, it will make your life much easier.
Hey, Spanks, pretty amazing you are shooting for a few hundred peppers! Cool. But it is tough to generalize some answers because it depends on your lights, your growing medium, where you are now, and how you plan to procede.

For starters, it would help to post pictures of the 'sick' test plants, what you did leading to that point. If you are already pretty sure you over-fertilized, then cut back on the next batch. Many go with a "1/4 strength" rule of thumb for seedling nutes. Very easy to exceed! More is not better. While in small pots, the peppers like a light, fluffy medium that drains well. Bottom watering is great.

Everyone's 'pot up' plan is a little different. I've noticed many start with 72-cell per flat, then move each of those up to (about) 4-inch, then move up to a gallon, then move up to 5-gallon or straight in the ground. But it is only one of many ways.

Good luck and do enjoy the 'search' feature. Also, the new "GLogs" forum sometimes has some real nuggets of info at the beginning of each Glog. You'll get some good ideas (sometimes) there. Pick your favorite players and feel free to pester them directly. Have fun.... :cool:
Just curious, what size pots will your several hundred plants end up in?

Have you already bought the final pots or made arrangements for the 1000 or so gallons of container soil you will need?
Heating up, Thanks for the general rules of thumb that's really all I'm looking for. I am not new to growing only growing in pots although I have never taken on such a big project before . Yes I am sure it was over fertilizing. I popped them into a little bigger pot with new soil and they are happy again, ugly but happy lol. I am learning and adapting as I go, I have a partner and we are starting with next to no budget, not much of anything except faith. So far it's been rewarded. I stumbled onto 4 2 1/2 x 4ft HO T5's for $150. We hope to end up in 5 gallon or maybe 7 gallon pots or grow bags if we have to cheap out. I know a guy here who has a nursery and he can make me a deal on used nursery pots. As for soil I haven't even stressed that one yet. We determined to take one stage at a time in terms of research, funds, planning etc. I truly mean this to be an adventure of faith! As far as soil goes I know I'm gonna need a lot of it. I've though about it a little and am leaning towards mixing my own out of stuff we can get in bulk. Due to the number of plants we are growing it affords us the opportunity to experiment with different mixes. We may put some in the ground. Do you have any suggestions. We hope to convert his garage into a grow room so we can overwinter as many as possible and we're gonna construct a 10x20 greenhouse out of one of those portable carport frames. We also just ran into a connection for induction lighting and may work something out there for the future. I love this forum there's a ton of info!! Although we are starting about 300 not all will germinate and then we intend to sell some of the starts for cash flow and then grow between 100- 150. Any advise or tips you can give will be completely appreciated !
Mild, I sure like your enthusiasm. Wow. Just keep asking questions, but you are going to have to bite the bullet and search, then read, read, read.

I'll throw you a couple of bones here, a link to a grow log last year that really helped me. Keep in mind I personally know VERY LITTLE about mass container growing, but some of the cats here do:

Silver Surfer 2011 season

On page two is a good summary:
Quoting Silver_Surfer:

"I'm using Jiffy Mix for the seed starter medium. (72-cell trays)

I'm potting up to the 2.5" pots with straight Pro-Mix BX

They will get potted up again to #1 pots with a custom mix I use for all sized containers as well as for the overwintered plants. Most will then go to the garden from the #1 pots. but a few will move up to larger containers.

My container mix:
15 gallons pine bark fines
5 gallons peat
5 gallons perlite
2.5 gallons composted chicken manure
2.5 gallons humus
2 cups dolomite"

Quoting me again: This is a good general bulk mix that might point you in the right direction. I used a version of it in my raised beds here in Idaho, but didn't need the dolomite.

You should also check out what BigCedar is up to: Big C Grow Log
and PIC 1 PIC 1 Grow Log Big C looks to be the container growing maestro of the Pacific NW... Also check out what SalsaLady did in her report in this forum: scroll down to SalsaLady as she scaled up pepper production on the cheap.

Okay, my hand holding is done. Happy growing! (And reading.... :cool: )
Siliman .. Thanks you've been a big help. I realize that experience is the best teacher , in that light we relish the knowledge that comes on the back of screwing up ! Lol. The biggest thing Ive learned ( but yet to master) is to leave em alone!! The funny thing is they know what to do so if I can keep my compulsion to overcare in check we shall reap a bountiful harvest of seeds, pods, and just all kinds of hot goodness! We might even end up with a whole grip of plants to overwinter !That getto grow set-up was FUNNN-nee! It's funny cause it's all true you ought a see my set up lol!The 2 grow logs you mentioned are ones that I have already been following closely! I'm sure we'll take our lumps but my faith has taught me to trust and go and in so doing all things are possible!!!!

Thanks for the hand holding!!