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fertilizer Fertilizer question. Is tomato fertilizer any good?

I was wondering if one of these two would work as a fertilizer for hot peppers along with the fish emulsion and Epsom salts I plan on using..



I was in walmart today and saw the green earth product. It seemed to have everything a pepper plant would need. Calcium, sulfur, etc. I was thinking I would alternate between fish emulsion + epsom salt one week then a mix of one of these two the next since this tomato fertilizer is low in nitrogen. Any ideas?
Just my 2 cents... Use the "Tomato" fertilizer. It is full synthetic and if you use it light it will be more effective then organics would be in container growing. I am only speaking from experience though. :cool: It has Calcium? I am just giving you a suggestion because I have used fish emulsion I would never use it again. Not because it smells but becaus it is expensive to use and does not really do much compared to in-organics. If I was going to help a new gardener I would suggest to not use fish emulsion because it is a waste. I have grown organic, but I have also grown using a complete in-organic fertilizer with every Macro/micro nutrient a plant needs. I can say the in-organic wins(In ground use 100% organic) . I do use a product that is half organic to get some missing minerals for the plants to get a better nutrional value of my crop.Try two plants side by side. One with fish emulsion, gypsum, epsom salts. one with miracle gro, gypsum, epsom salts. If you use the in-organics/miracle gro at the right strength all the way through I can predict the plant fed miracle gro/in-organics will yield more and be more healthy then the one fed with fish emulsion in it. Look at the bottle of fish emulsion and see how it only has NPK, where most complete in-organics give you all needed micro/ and sometimes secondary macro nutrients like Ca/Mg/S. So do not take my word for it, just run a test.... :cool:
Just my 2 cents... Use the "Tomato" fertilizer. It is full synthetic and if you use it light it will be more effective then organics would be in container growing. I am only speaking from experience though. :cool: It has Calcium? I am just giving you a suggestion because I have used fish emulsion I would never use it again. Not because it smells but becaus it is expensive to use and does not really do much compared to in-organics. If I was going to help a new gardener I would suggest to not use fish emulsion because it is a waste. I have grown organic, but I have also grown using a complete in-organic fertilizer with every Macro/micro nutrient a plant needs. I can say the in-organic wins(In ground use 100% organic) . I do use a product that is half organic to get some missing minerals for the plants to get a better nutrional value of my crop.Try two plants side by side. One with fish emulsion, gypsum, epsom salts. one with miracle gro, gypsum, epsom salts. If you use the in-organics/miracle gro at the right strength all the way through I can predict the plant fed miracle gro/in-organics will yield more and be more healthy then the one fed with fish emulsion in it. Look at the bottle of fish emulsion and see how it only has NPK, where most complete in-organics give you all needed micro/ and sometimes secondary macro nutrients like Ca/Mg/S. So do not take my word for it, just run a test.... :cool:

Ya i have no issue with not going organic lol Is there enough Nitrogen in a 6-12-12 mix or would I have to add extra? Also I looked at the side and it did have calcium, phosphorus ( i think thats how you spell it) , sulfur and a couple others I dont remember. It seemed like a total growing package in one feeding supplement

I'm sure it will work fine, but they don't need it every week, don't be that guy...

I was reading a commercial growers advice and he said to feed with epsom one week and feeding mix the next so it is fed every week. Sounded a little overly attentive but he seemed like a good source.
6-12-12 is ideal for peppers!!! You got it right on about Ca/Mg/S, those are VERY important for reprodution.

I would say go most in-organic and make a good compost tea from really good compost. Use the tea once a week in conjuntion with your fertilizer program. I believe in the natural powers of organics, so for sure they help add minarels that are not in synthetics. A big reason in-organic growers use potasium silicate to strengthen cell walls that are weak due to fast growth and lack of minerals with synthetics. I find using fertilizer at half strength and using organics that have silicate in them solve the problem for week cells walls which lead to pest/disease. I use botanicare pure blend pro as my organics, it is even only half organic with the other half consisting of carbonates. The debate with using synthetic and organics mixed is you decrease the micro life needed to break down the organics for usable food for the plant. That really is not the case though if you use the fertilizer right.
6-12-12 is ideal for peppers!!! You got it right on about Ca/Mg/S, those are VERY important for reprodution.

I would say go most in-organic and make a good compost tea from really good compost. Use the tea once a week in conjuntion with your fertilizer program. I believe in the natural powers of organics, so for sure they help add minarels that are not in synthetics. A big reason in-organic growers use potasium silicate to strengthen cell walls that are weak due to fast growth and lack of minerals with synthetics. I find using fertilizer at half strength and using organics that have silicate in them solve the problem for week cells walls which lead to pest/disease. I use botanicare pure blend pro as my organics, it is even only half organic with the other half consisting of carbonates. The debate with using synthetic and organics mixed is you decrease the micro life needed to break down the organics for usable food for the plant. That really is not the case though if you use the fertilizer right.

How does compost tea work. I haven't quite read up on that subject enough. Not even sure how its made lol Also how often is a watering with nutrients due. Ive read a variety of opinions on the matter. Is it once every two weeks roughly?
If you want to get into making it try it. There all kinds of composts and ways to make it using air pumps most of the time.

You may find just getting a good bag off potting mix, and using fertilizer like that tomato fertilizer you said had Ca/mg at the right strength not to burn plants. You will have a great harvest if you keep it simple, water/fertilize right, use a high Ca fertilizer.
Figuring out how you want to fertilize is a PITA. (at least at first....and I'm still at first lol) I wish they were like kids....I'd toss them a hot dog and they'd be happy.
That`s all i use in my growing, peppers are supposedly closely related to tomatoes.

My Bhuts seem to like it.



Now i noticed when I looked today the organic 4-6-8 mix has 9% calcium, 2% sulfur and 2% magnesium while the 6-12-12 has no other additives other than the 6-12-12. Im starting to think the 4-6-8 might be a better overall fertilizer
I just use that tomato booster stuff in granules (slow release) and i only put it in the once when im re potting the plants,
I put in my potting mix & sprinkle them granules in the mix stirring it well/evenly then chuck my plants in there & fill around the edges.

Ive got them growing in quality but not organic (this time) potting mix, i always used to use organic mix but its just to expensive with the amount im growing this time. My first five Bhut`s you see are growing in very big pots & Bhut`s 7,8 & 9 are growing in pots half the size just to see if there is much difference in size/height & quantity of produce (bit of an experiment).

Im also going to covert my old veggie garden in to a chilli garden, its fully irrigated from the river by a petrol pump.


That soil looks soft enough to take a nap in!

It is very soft & friable soil, meaning it crumbles & drains nice, the garden sits on a slight slope as well & it faces the sun.
It also has the bonus of being where the old milking shed sat for 50 years so plenty of ferts in that soil.

Now i noticed when I looked today the organic 4-6-8 mix has 9% calcium, 2% sulfur and 2% magnesium while the 6-12-12 has no other additives other than the 6-12-12. Im starting to think the 4-6-8 might be a better overall fertilizer

Just make sure your soil is "living" if you use organics. Good compost adds life to the soil....