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fertilizing for root growth

after googling for awhile, I've leaned that phosphate doesn't promote root growth... so... which chemical compound responsible for promoting root growth?
IMO best thing you can do to promote root growth is to use a very light weight seed starting mix...
it doesnt? i thought it was...

maybe look into mycorrhizae or alfalfa meal. alfalfa meal has a hormone called that helps root growth
I'm quite the noob to growing so I can't provide a lot of help. However, I've read that using some hydrogen peroxide in your water when watering is highly beneficial to root oxygen intake. You don't want to use a lot though as it can kill healthy bacteria in the soil. Right now I'm using 1 part HP to 24 parts water as a "test" for a single bhut jolokia seedling. Seems to be pretty healthy. However I don't have a control to compare it to, so can't really verify whether the HP is providing a boost.

BTW if you want to go this route, it's best to bottom water because getting the HP solution on the leaves of the plant can inhibit CO2 intake.

Edit: I should also add that I'm using the bottles of 3% HP to mix into the water. So that's 1 part of 3% HP to 24 parts of water.
I've been using "Liquid Kelp" at a high dilution rate for the past couple of years. It promotes root growth and overall plant vigor by means of the micronutrients within. I also use that in combo with Fish Emulsion for an extra boast of Nitrogen and Phosphorous.
Its quite a site looking at the "Dark Sea of Green" in the grow room. I cotribute that to both of the liquid solutions.

i have some Miracle grow Starting Solution meant for seedling root growth on hand, as far as NPK goes its 4-12-4 with no mention of microNutrients. so lots of Phosphate.
I use it on all my veggies when i transplant, and cant say if it does any good or not... i have no comparison. but according to your first post, MiracleGrow thinks otherwise. ??? could just be a money grab though ???
H2O2! wow! thanks for the infos guys... by the way, I planted my peppers on slightly acidic peat treated with lime, considered it very lightweight and most of it are organic... they grow very well with added fertilizer occasionally but somehow I found out that they have less roots thus need some drastic solution before they turn problematic...

I thought of using worm casting before but it is hard to get here... I would like to make some but they charge more then RM400 per kilo worm (about USD130)... and MiracleGrow is out of sight in Malaysia...
Try nitrozime

Ive Noticed The Roots on My Plants are very Small and Need to get them Larger, Does Digging the plant deeper in the soil help Roots Sprout from the Steam, Like tomatoes i believe they are both on the Nightshade family or something like that.
i am not too sure there is a way to fertilize for root growth! from my short growing experience, good root growth comes from not over watering early on, let the plant show you it needs to be watered, this will cause the roots to grow and search for water till it gets fatigued, then when you water it, it absorbs much more and you will see a nice growth spurt. there are natural bacteria that you can put in your soils that help make your soil root friendly, but i think correct watering habits will give you the best root growth! i still fertilize but i do it for foliage or bloom growth. this has just been my experience and i could be compltely wrong by thought i would share what i have noticed.
if your rootball is not growing to a significant size, it is because your soil is not allowing it to grow...too compact IMO...fertilizing might help a bit but nothing except making your soil more porous will do better....

(I am an opinionated old bastard ain't I)
Packed soil is one of the worst things to have. The roots need to breathe and the liquid needs to drain through the soil easily.
