Hi, I left few of my peppers in a small tiny jar...
I really mean few, like 5 of them. I think I just forgot about them. I saw them few weeks ago on a shelf but didn't check and today I decided to grind it but I found out that the most of them have mold inside.
They were not opened, cut they were just put in a opened jar and left inside a glass cabinet. Cabinet is closed but has spaces between glass and is opened few times a day, the air flow is better than in normal wooden cabinet.
How do you deal with that? I dry my peppers and do something with them almost suddenly so didn't face it on a large scale, I did dry some of them at the end of the season tho and there was a time I didn't have time to do much with them for few weeks and some fid have mild inside also.
I know pepple put dried peppers inside the jar without grinding them and that is a way they store them.
Also, on the third picture there is perfectly fine pepper with seeds that were too young and dried black... I think. This is not mold, right?
I really mean few, like 5 of them. I think I just forgot about them. I saw them few weeks ago on a shelf but didn't check and today I decided to grind it but I found out that the most of them have mold inside.
They were not opened, cut they were just put in a opened jar and left inside a glass cabinet. Cabinet is closed but has spaces between glass and is opened few times a day, the air flow is better than in normal wooden cabinet.
How do you deal with that? I dry my peppers and do something with them almost suddenly so didn't face it on a large scale, I did dry some of them at the end of the season tho and there was a time I didn't have time to do much with them for few weeks and some fid have mild inside also.
I know pepple put dried peppers inside the jar without grinding them and that is a way they store them.
Also, on the third picture there is perfectly fine pepper with seeds that were too young and dried black... I think. This is not mold, right?
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