• Please post pictures and as much information as possible.

Few peppers from Ebay, Including Carolina Reaper.

There are some trustworthy sellers on eBay, and some not, just like anywhere else. What I try to do is look at feedback first, and if not stated in the description, I'll ask the seller if the seeds were from isolated pods. I have had some responses where the seller didn't know what I was talking about so I stayed clear. I'll also search their username on Google and THP. Sometimes that'll turn up good or bad if anything.
But usually I find what I need from reputable vendors that I've dealt with before, or who I've read good things about, from others.
A lot of established Vendors DO sell on E bay AND their own site.
I don't know the % of good to bad Vendors on E bay,Craigs list etc/wherever.
I think,screw E bay feed back-from Ebay vendors.
From what I hear,they can edit out whatever they want too.
Also,it doesn't matter if service was fast etc.
Your seeds take months to grow and put out pods.
From what I read,you can only comment on the vendor for a short time...
By the time you grew Jalapeno's that were supposed to be ???
It's too late.
Go to pepper sites forums like THP's Vendor Vault for info about the Vendor you purchased seeds from.
Pepper sites usually don't edit any specific comment(as long as it's civil).
That is why these Vendor review forums are there.
Also,post the Vendor you purchased from in a forum's review section so others can see what you grew from the seeds you purchased ,do everyone a favor-we either find a new great vendor or know who to stay away from....
I have both bought and sold seed on ebay.. I have had limited luck on there even from the same suppliers.... Eg. One seller Sells a perfect Bhut seed.. but then sells a Mustard Habanero seed that grows out 6 different types of plants (Obviously completely fake to what it is supposed to be) so it can be hit and miss.. 
I however am selling seed on ebay and like to think I can be trusted, It's just another means for me to sell my wares. 