Few questions for you guys.

With all these new strains coming out what seems like everyday it had me thinking " I wonder what everyones hottest pepper they have had was". It seems that this is a very subject oriented idea. As in one individuals may think the Bhut is the hottest thing ever, and another may think the Butch T did nothing to them. So it gets me wondering about all the capsaicinoids in peppers and how they hit people differently. 
So I have a few questions I would like some people to answer. 
1). What was to you, the hottest pepper you had ever eaten.
2) What was the most flavorful pepper you have ever eaten
3) What strain of pepper do you think will make one of the next hottest peppers
4) What in your experience of hottest peppers and most flavorful peppers would make the best cross?
I'll answer first to get it going!
1) For me it would be the Primo i had a bit ago, it was honestly hotter than the Brown Moruga that was the hottest pepper up to that, it was just painful for a long long time.
2) The most flavorful to me would be the Primo again, it just has awesome flavor that is top notch, to me it cannot be beat.
3) I think personally the brain strain has some very good chance to be one of the next hottest peppers, they are screamingly hot and I have heard from many MANY other individuals that they are hotter than Morugas, which in some cases I would agree. 
4) For me I would say a Brain strain for their heat, crossed with a Primo, or Brown Moruga, because they both have great flavor. I think those crossed would be a beautiful pepper, which is something I hope to do this winter in the greenhouse!
So let's hear it! What do you all have to say!
Flavor/ Yellow Brain Strain
Cross? Hum?...:0)?hum
Id have to go with my two fav's and say the Yellow Brain Strain and the wht bullet hab?
1. 7-pot douglah x Butch T TS F4 generation, brown strain.  Unfreakingbelievable. 
2. Cumari do para
3. Brown 7-pot, maybe the Chocolate Brain Strain (don`t know anyone who`s tried it yet), Brown Moruga
4. Brown 7-pot x Yellow 7-pot
Everyone`s different. I find primos to be delicious, but nowhere near as hot as you do. I`ve had them from 5 or 6 sources, too. I think Brain Strains are way hotter, no contest. That`s just me and my taste buds/heat receptors though. 
Nice Smitty that would be a good cross for sure!
Nigel, Didn't even know there was a Chocolate Brain Strain! That would be a killer I bet. Haha yeah Primo's are the one's that take me down for some reason, brain strains are up there too, which is why i have a feeling they will be in the contest for the next hottest. Way too many people say again and again they are hotter than morugas for them not to be up there.
Still pretty new to peppers, so still haven't tried a great amount of varieties, but slowly trying more. So my list could change lol.
1. Brain strain. One tiny bite had me burning like crazy! 
2. CGN 21500. Absolutely delicious. Brazilian starfish for a mild selection.
3. Brain or brain hybrid
4. Unsure. I like the CGN 21500's heat levels, so maybe Brazilian Starfish/brain strain?
Nice answers guys! It's just interesting to see the differences in peoples tastebuds and what really gets them. A Brazillian Starfish / Brain, now that would be great!
1). What was to you, the hottest pepper you had ever eaten.
Judy's Red 7 Pot Lava - WORST pain I've EVER had from a pepper before.  Absolutely horrific.
2) What was the most flavorful pepper you have ever eaten
7 Pot Burgundy - so freaking sweet, like honey
3) What strain of pepper do you think will make one of the next hottest peppers
That fricken lava.  Judy is coming up with a whole slew of colors for them.  They aren't quite stable yet though.
4) What in your experience of hottest peppers and most flavorful peppers would make the best cross?
7 Pot Brown x 7 Pot Burgundy.  The brown is fricken hot too, but also has a great flavor, so hopefully crossing it with the burgundy which has outstanding flavor would result in a pepper as hot as the Brown and as flavorful as the Burgundy.  That would be a truly awesome pepper.