food Fiery Peach Chutney


This is a cut of Saint Andrea triple creamed cheese, layered with fiery peach chutney (featuring chocolate habs), topped with pine nuts!!
It tastes like a truly decadent cake.

***note i'm working on getting these pictures up, so please bear with me****
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Looks amazing!
That looks scrumptious!

do chutneys usually have vinegar in them? I've never really understood what a chutney is as opposed to a relish or salsa. Thanks~
salsalady said:
That looks scrumptious!

do chutneys usually have vinegar in them? I've never really understood what a chutney is as opposed to a relish or salsa. Thanks~
Usually. And usually with savory dishes. This looks like more of a compote. Whatever it's called it does look good.