Finally, first ripe home grown pod of the year!


First brain strain finally ripened off my mutant plant, and oh my lord was it a doozey. So what did I do? Chopped it up, threw it in a burger. Thing had swimming pools of oil in it, so I should've known better--but, whoever said that I was meant to be sane?
This pepper caused a brand new side effect for me. My farts burned. I literally farted mace clouds. Never had a pod do anything like that to me (even the reaper didn't do THAT). Tonight I get to try this oddball that came from the same plant...

Definitely saving the seeds from that one, I'd love to try and stabilize that phenotype!
OOFA - as the summer progresses it should stabilize a bit more and hotter. The first few are queer looking. Needless to say hot   :)