plant-care finally got my greenhouses

I made a small expense yesterday,
It is my plants that will be happy this autumn.
32 x 90 greenhouses

The_NorthEast_ChileMan said:
Wow, I don't even have enough property to put that on! Good luck!


:rofl: i hear ya. i own.... well nothing, i rent right now LOL.... some day, someday.
How long did it take you and what was your estimated cost?
The_NorthEast_ChileMan said:
Wow, I don't even have enough property to put that on! Good luck!

I was lucky enough to buy a half land that is called here, 42 arpents (14 Hectare  )which is great for having fun  :P
Blitz527 said:
:rofl: i hear ya. i own.... well nothing, i rent right now LOL.... some day, someday.
How long did it take you and what was your estimated cost?
I take possession of it just in the middle of May, According to me two days to disassemble it and 4 to rebuild it.
I had the greenhouse for $2500(CAN) but I will have to change the polythene for clear one. 
I did not shop the price for the poly  but I want a 5 years so I expected to pay a couple more miles for the project.
I was able to take possession of my greenhouse only in mid Novembr last year. It took me a big week to dismantle it.
I had the time this weekend to make a first leveling of the ground. Here is a small overview.

South view

North view

Nice spot and greenhouse. I assume that you won't be heating it? I will be interesting to see what you can grow in the winter there. Do you plan to put mini-hoop houses inside?
midwestchilehead said:
Nice spot and greenhouse. I assume that you won't be heating it? I will be interesting to see what you can grow in the winter there. Do you plan to put mini-hoop houses inside?
thanks, it is a nice spot. With the tree there is not much wind.
I won't heat in winter, it really costs too much.
yes, mini-hoop are in my plan. Will try to do year-round veggie garden as NIKI JABBOUR is doing.