The gardening gods were kind today. After 3 days of brutal heat - 90 - it cooled off to about 60, was overcast, and we even got a 30-minute downpour. This change of weather happened to coincide with the one day I could really put in a lot of work. Most of my peppers are in, as well as all the other suspects. I pulled about 3,000 dill volunteers and have another 3,000 still out there. Had to rip out a lot of borage and catnip, too, but there's plenty floating around. If I can get in a solid 3 hours tomorrow morning, I'll feel accomplished.
Of the 15-20 varieties of peppers, the new ones I'm trying are Ed's, Corbaci, Ram's Horn, and Berbere.
I hope everyone else had a good gardening day.
Of the 15-20 varieties of peppers, the new ones I'm trying are Ed's, Corbaci, Ram's Horn, and Berbere.
I hope everyone else had a good gardening day.