• Do you need help identifying a 🌶?
    Is your plant suffering from an unknown issue? 🤧
    Then ask in Identification and Diagnosis.

Finally - The Perfect Pubescens

After several years, I found exactly what I hoped. A massive pod, extremely hot, great producer, thick walled, etc. Unfortunately, the pepper maggots love these types and are destroying pods left and righr. The plant towers above other Pubescens at 4+ ft and branching everywhere. I just am trying to save enough seed from viable pods to re-grow. I will be doing a lot of this one next season and try chemicals to try to stop the maggots.

Can you put a net around them ?I think the maggots come from some sort of Fruit Fly.I know most paint supply stores sell a strainer for 5 gallon buckets,would work to tie around a pretty nice sized branch.