chinense finally tried a habanero

I can find jalapenos, serranos, and pablanos pretty easily. Orange habs are a little harder to find... and anything other than that is generally home grown by a friend or relative.

Granted, it seems that hot peppers are getting more popular now, so we may start seeing some of the less common varieties popping up in grocery stores before too long.
+1 on the endorphins. I got a little head tingle and a nice buzz from a handful of Thai peppers with my dinner the other day (actually a mystery variety hand carried from Vietnam, but they look the same as Thai peppers). About the same as when I munch on a red hab with a slice of pizza. I grew a bhut a couple years ago and to be honest it wasn't much hotter than my carribean red hab. The plant was never very robust and it only made 3-4 pods so maybe that had something to do with it.

As for what's in the grocery here I feel pretty lucky really. Thai peppers by the bushel. Orange, sometimes red habs (usually milder strains). Jalapeno, serrano, poblano, dried guajillo. Fresh Hatch peppers. Sometimes I can find some exotic stuff in the asian markets, but it is always just labeled "hot pepper" or "chili pepper" so who knows, probably stuff out of somebody's garden.

Anyway, good luck building up your tolerance. Always keep a bowl of rice and a glass of milk nearby when trying out mystery peppers!
You definitely build up an immunity if you keep at it and progressively eat more and stronger peppers. I too have burning urine, burning everything actually if I eat enough, the capsaicin seems to get stuck in your vessels and deposits at the end of your extremities... tip of nose, top of ears, tips of fingers and toes.

Best antidote for hot pepper overdose is a fruit flavored milkshake with vodka in it. The protein in the milk isolates the capsaicin, it is soluble in alcohol and you wanted a drink anyway, and the fat coats your mouth.
[background=rgb(255, 244, 228)] a fruit flavored milkshake with vodka in it[/background]

Genius. I'm also a fan of a cold malty beer. The Thai beer Singha is pretty good for this purpose, but I prefer local craft brews. Superhots+strong ale = WIN
You definitely build up an immunity if you keep at it and progressively eat more and stronger peppers. I too have burning urine, burning everything actually if I eat enough, the capsaicin seems to get stuck in your vessels and deposits at the end of your extremities... tip of nose, top of ears, tips of fingers and toes.

Best antidote for hot pepper overdose is a fruit flavored milkshake with vodka in it. The protein in the milk isolates the capsaicin, it is soluble in alcohol and you wanted a drink anyway, and the fat coats your mouth.

What does the fruit do? Or is it just for taste? Cuz a strawberry milkshake sounds good l ol.
What does the fruit do? Or is it just for taste? Cuz a strawberry milkshake sounds good l ol.

I find the taste of fruit more complimentary to the taste of most peppers than other ice-cream flavors, and it seems better mated with vodka too, though rum is another option.
Don't forget the medicinal aspects.. I forget sometimes to wear gloves cooking with Habbys and I get free icy hot on my palms and fingers for two days !