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Finishing off peppers

New to growing peppers. I have a few peppers that recently started producing pods as I got such a late start, I don't know if weather will permit ripening. My question is has anyone brought plants inside to complete ripening, as I have some that I would really at least like to get seeds from for next yr... Thanx for all your help in advance.. Dave
Hey Dave, I think you have several more weeks to let them grow. You only need to worry about them when the low temp hits 32F. Being in Macon you still have plenty of time!
Hey Dave, I think you have several more weeks to let them grow. You only need to worry about them when the low temp hits 32F. Being in Macon you still have plenty of time!
Top of the day to ya Kevin
Appreciate the reply. The pep's that I am trying to mature are Scorpions and they are just now the size of the end of my finger ..they take so long to mature as I have read ,and I didn't know if I needed to try and winterize them NOW ( or even If I could ) or wait and see if maybe that I do have enough time left...Which I don't think that I do as leaves are starting to fall on most of my other plants. What part of SE do you live as I have children in S. Carolina Anderson area...could holler @ you some time ...Thanx again Dave..The scorpions were a surprise. I had no Idea I had any as I only ordered Bhuts :-) live and learn.....I am happy though, good surprise.
Top of the day to ya Kevin
Appreciate the reply. The pep's that I am trying to mature are Scorpions and they are just now the size of the end of my finger ..they take so long to mature as I have read ,and I didn't know if I needed to try and winterize them NOW ( or even If I could ) or wait and see if maybe that I do have enough time left...Which I don't think that I do as leaves are starting to fall on most of my other plants. What part of SE do you live as I have children in S. Carolina Anderson area...could holler @ you some time ...Thanx again Dave..The scorpions were a surprise. I had no Idea I had any as I only ordered Bhuts :-) live and learn.....I am happy though, good surprise.
My BAD NE Atlanta
Are you growing in the ground? Mine are in the ground, I also planted some T Scorps very late and they are full of little pods, but just now getting my first one to blush a bit. I think I have plenty of time, and you are a lil south of me soo... Just do what I do and keep an eye on them low's! When the first frost is coming I'm usually up all night stripping pods! :)
I think ground vs. pots makes a difference, as the ground will stay warmer than pots. Mine are in pots, and I bring them inside whenever nighttime temps will get below 50F. The 50F figure came from information from various nurseries, indicating the roots should not be allowed to go below 50F. I'm in NE Ohio, so this is more an issue for us now than it would be for you just yet.
Hey Kevin
I am growing in ground and in pots. My smallest pots are 3 gal. I got started so late this yr that I don't know If I'll be able to get seeds off some of my plants, so I am trying some cloning on them..My scorpions are under my porch in a 7 gallon pot so they are some what out of the cold so maybe I'll be able to get a few seeds there after all. If I get up that way in the near future I'll give you a shout first to see if you are available and maybe have a cup of java...I'm sure you could learn me much on growing pepper skills..Have a good one ...Dave