Not to worry, next time it happens to a guest of yours, just tell him about the time I was working with Zero, and acquired a very small rip in one of my gloves, near the tip of my finger. Well, after I was done with the extract, I removed the gloves, tyvek suit, etc, and was getting ready to go out for a few beers. It was sunny out, so I figured instead of my regular glasses, I'd wear sunglasses, which required the application of contact lenses. Perhaps you can see where this one is going. Well, after thoroughly scorching my left eye, in my infinite wisdom, I figured I must have somehow gotten the Zero extract only on that lens, so let's put in the other one. My wife said she had never heard the gutteral noises which emanated from my throat, kind of like "Little Nicky" when he fell asleep in Central Park.
I ended up at the eye doctor's office. When she put the scope on each eye, she gasped, which of course did not relieve the stress on my side of the scope. I had multiple blisters on each cornea. I must say, the next few days were slightly interesting. It was almost like compound eye sight, not unlike a house fly.
Needless to say, from that time forward, I wear 2 pairs of gloves on each hand before securely taping the wrists.